New Import rules

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That's no different to the current inspection regime though. It's just another layer of unnecessary bureaucracy as far as I can see.
Yes. It's the unforeseen costs that worry me. You do everything you can to factor things in, then get hit by something you didn't anticipate. Where there is uncertainty, there is also risk.
And just remember, next FY, the money which funds the NBU until now comes from Europe. Now that particular well has run dry, they need to find another way to make money
My best is that some of the cages that are sent to York will be checked even if not all of them, so they will do some at the very least. Maybe if they have time at the end of the day or they put a post-grad student on it.
My best is that some of the cages that are sent to York will be checked even if not all of them, so they will do some at the very least. Maybe if they have time at the end of the day or they put a post-grad student on it.

That's not very encouraging. We used to say "best endeavours" (which basically meant "Not a chance" when I worked in IT).
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Yes. For example if you buy jolanta’s queens direct you have to do this. If you buy from BMH he is supposed to transfer into new cages and do it. I suppose it’s the same for anybody importing queens. The big suppliers will do it for the hoi polloi
Just spotted this.

Jolanta queens are home raised so no issues there.

Our Italian version (which have had a world of problems this year due to transport issues post brexit) have had all the cages changed by us before sending out. As the importer on the IPAFFS it was OUR responsibility to do if you got ours...of either origin..whether direct OR through a have nothing to do except use the queen.

Full on heather shifting right off forum till late autumn...but saw this one go past and needed to add my bit.
Just spotted this.

Jolanta queens are home raised so no issues there.

Our Italian version (which have had a world of problems this year due to transport issues post brexit) have had all the cages changed by us before sending out. As the importer on the IPAFFS it was OUR responsibility to do if you got ours...of either origin..whether direct OR through a have nothing to do except use the queen.

Full on heather shifting right off forum till late autumn...but saw this one go past and needed to add my bit.
Ah I stand corrected. This was hearsay in my defence
or cut services altogether

If the NBU can find ways to raise decent amounts of revenue or alternatively, if it beomes a financial burden to HM Government, you can be pretty certain that it will progress to become a private sector organisation which will be run for profit; the only way for costs to go from that point onwards is upwards.
If the NBU can find ways to raise decent amounts of revenue or alternatively, if it beomes a financial burden to HM Government, you can be pretty certain that it will progress to become a private sector organisation which will be run for profit; the only way for costs to go from that point onwards is upwards.

I was saying this in another thread and got sent to Coventry......
Try importing from an EU country that still insists on a TRACES number, that'll blow your mind 😳
I'm not sure that it is. What is the point of sending material that is just going to be binned? If they're going to be inspecting cages/bees/etc, I want feedback on what they find. I'm not paying for them just to "monitor" how many cages of bees I send them. That's just a box-ticking exercise.
Why do you think they won’t check every cage . I would hope that if they have an indication now that they are going to be getting a lot more to test then they will increase staff / equip to do so.
I would hope that if they have an indication now that they are going to be getting a lot more to test then they will increase staff / equip to do so.
Well they haven't done so far, and as most of the funding for the NBU comes from Europe (especially via WG) and there's no more of that in future, I doubt they'll be recruiting many soon.
It's fine raising this here, but, its the beginners who may not be reading this forum who won't have been fore-warned. They'll get a shock when it comes to bees next year.

Not as big a shock as realising you don’t just need a brood box but a floor roof frames, etc then another hive because one isn’t a good idea . Then a better besuite then another package because your hive swarmed then another nuc because your package didn’t survive winter
Not as big a shock as realising you don’t just need a brood box but a floor roof frames, etc then another hive because one isn’t a good idea . Then a better besuite then another package because your hive swarmed then another nuc because your package didn’t survive winter

Not that bad if you put a bit aside each month , few frames here , roof there etc , to put it in perspective ,a membership at David lloyd is over 100 fun coupons a month !!!
If the NBU can find ways to raise decent amounts of revenue or alternatively, if it beomes a financial burden to HM Government, you can be pretty certain that it will progress to become a private sector organisation which will be run for profit; the only way for costs to go from that point onwards is upwards.
Shorley private enterprise and the competitive market drives down cost or does that only apply to railways
Anyway it will give all these private companies charging a fortune to cov19 testing your spit something to do
My best is that some of the cages that are sent to York will be checked even if not all of them, so they will do some at the very least. Maybe if they have time at the end of the day or they put a post-grad student on it.
On the basis that any testing is good to ensure problems can be followed up and addressed one hopes there systems are such that they can identify and sample some cages from each originator / queen producer ie 1 originator may supply 10+ retailers in uk . would they need to inspect every cage to identifie a problem with that originator queen producer?
On the basis that any testing is good to ensure problems can be followed up and addressed one hopes there systems are such that they can identify and sample some cages from each originator / queen producer ie 1 originator may supply 10+ retailers in uk . would they need to inspect every cage to identifie a problem with that originator queen producer?

Veterinary examinations are already conducted even before leaving. Anything the NBU do/don't do is just window dressing.
The point of this thread is to highlight that our own process, here in the UK is flawed. It adds cost but delivers no benefit. There is no report back to the "customer" indicating any work they may/may not have done nor an indication of the results. IMO, that is a tax on imports.
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