New book,by John Harding.

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
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John Hardings new book is now out,....An HOLISTIC Way in Saving The Honeybee....available from Northern bee books, having a little insight to the methods contained in the book, it will be interesting to give them a try.
do you have any more info for us?
Interesting... and are all events and eventuallities linked?

Are our present beekeeping ways Reductionist?
Could you suggest a more Holisic approach?

{ 1000 words...Typed double spaced and fully referenced by tuesday week please**

Environmental Science Biology year 2 coursework for next years lot I think..... will give me time to read the book!
Below you will read a leaflet that I gave out at the IBRA Conference.

I am sure this will answer many of your questions.
For discussion at IBRA 29th January 2011,

Varroa-still a problem in the 21st century?

My name is John Harding, I have kept, researched, experimented, observed and used logic and common sense in trying to keep as much to nature as possible while keeping Honeybees. During the last 30 years I have invented bee equipment that does bare my name. I have not used sugar or chemicals for the past 18 years, due to the first approved licensed treatments killing a percentage of my queens. I hoped that one day I would find a natural remedy for the parasitic mite Varroa.

This, I have now done.


We know that Honeybees have been on this planet for 100 to 200 million years depending which book you read, so bees have evolved with planet earth. This has brought with it changing climates, polarity change, a change in continents with moving earth plates and a change in flora. In all that time dealing with disease, mites, intruders and any other alien insect or animal, even man.


During this time, their home has been in hollow trees, caves or covered protected position so they may get away from draughts, rain or severe weather to build their amazing honeycomb nest that is kept to an accurate temperature +_ 1 degree to raise the numbers required for survival both in summer and winter.


Thousands of years ago man found honey. Due to the Honeybees perilous home positions being high in a cave or high up in a tree, man decided to re-home the Honeybee into logs, boxes, skeps and then beehives so as to make it easier to harvest honey. A form of domestication.

Has Man made a difference?

No, except for realising a unique space (Langstroth) that Honeybees respect meaning we as beekeepers can inspect our colonies with frames rather than killing off the bees that were in a skep over a sulphur pit. This observation only happened 150 years ago. Queen excluders were also invented.

Are there any other major discoveries?

Yes, Eddie Woods (a BBC sound engineer) discovered 60 years ago inside the Honeybee nest that vibration levels was measured between 190hertz and 250hertz during normal conditions however when swarming this vibration went up to 300hertz.

Was any scientific work carried out at the time or later? No! If it had we could be further along the path of understanding the Honeybee better. Beekeeping today is much the same as it was in the beginning except of course the Langstroth frame space and Queen excluder.

Have Beekeeping books changed?

No, not really except for the amount of knowledge that we have now gained about the mysterious Honeybee, it always seems to be repetition but more in depth, more of a scientific language.

Can we still learn from the Honeybee?



Using observation and logic and asking “What do Honeybees really want?”.

They did not ask to be put into a box or beehive.

However, while in our care, we, as beekeepers, should give them and treat them as if they were in a wild state of nature.

We know they want and use vibration.(Woods)

We know they will respect a unique space.(Langstroth)

We know they use electromagnetic north/south in honeycomb building and in flight.

We know with a strong colony, disease and varroa can be kept to a minimum.

We also know with a colony of strength our rewards of honey is greater.

So! What do Honeybees really want?

Vibration, how is it generated?

At the moment by the Honeybees themselves to ward off predators, for communication and to keep their micro existent climate to a perfect temperature for brood rearing, but is that sufficient?

Unfortunately NO!

Can it be found elsewhere? YES! Planet Earth (NASA)

Planet earth has evolved, so trees, animals, plants, fish, birds and insects has evolved with it and so too, Honeybees, evolving with the planet. Which is why Honeybees not only need a high vibration of 250hertz to sustain their microenvironment but actively look for it by swarming.

How could man know this? You cannot see, feel, touch or sense it.

Planet earth vibrates constantly at 7.83hertz (NASA) unless disturbed.

Honeybees vibrate at between 190htz and 250htz (Woods)

Honeybees are placed by man in a beehive where man wants it, if this is on 7.83htz the bees have to work 31.9 times greater just to stand still. I have reason to believe this weakens their immune system and defence mechanism becoming an easy target for any alien predators like Varroa. Now, not being able to cope, over-stressed, disorder with eventual collapse, dying or disappearance is inevitable.

Does planet earth vibrate at this higher level of 250htz?

Yes, transmitted upwards through underground rivers.
These rivers are everywhere around the planet, like i.e.; blood vessels in our own body. Remember it has taken 4 billion years to get to where we are today. Everything has evolved together to be where it is and why it is there for a reason. The climate, planet earth and logic has dictated that.

Where does the higher earth vibration come from and how?

Planet earths normal vibration of 7.83htz gets interrupted by hollow chambers of running water/fluid creating friction allowing oscillation to resonate to become an Electromagnetic Wave Vibration which will increase it up to and above 250htz. Sound familiar? The rivers/lines of fluid are normally very close to each other varying in depth and only being up to 4 feet wide, like a cobweb, zig zagging their way across the planet at depths of 200 feet or 300 feet creating vibration and rising upwards to the surface and skywards, creating an electromagnetic curtain that reaches to approximately 30,000 feet. (Birds use this curtain to migrate thousands of miles).

I.e. There are 8 rivers/lines in my 3 bed detached house and 80 foot garden, so they are not miles apart.

What is the connection of Honeybee vibration 250hertz and Earth vibration 250hertz?

We know that Honeybees maintain this vibration within their nests (Woods) It is just too much of a coincidence, using logic, that bees are drawn to it when they swarm. They have evolved together over millions of years. Honeybees, Wasps, Bumble bees, Ants, Cats and much more all being attracted to earths higher vibration. They need this higher vibration so they work 31.9 times less. Then able to deal with any unwelcome intruders.

All organism are attracted to or repelled from these lines.

Are Honeybees drawn to Planet Earth higher vibration?

YES! In various ways.


Yes, every time they swarm. Honeybees always settle above a 250htz line. This has been checked on every swarm collected, about 30, in the past 3 years.

Bait hives

All bait hives placed above a line attracted a swarm.

Abandoned hives

Whenever I was called out to inspect abandoned hives there was always one beehive above a line. This was the only hive with bees in and thriving. The others had died.

Self selection

Apiaries were left for 4 years to ascertain for self selection. After this time the only hives that survived were above a line, all the others had died out.

Varroa resistant strain

In my early days of queen rearing I too thought I had a resistant strain only to find out every one that showed these qualities was above a line. I could not understand why they were so poor when moved to a new site, having shown perfect qualities when in the original site.(This was before I knew about the lines).

Any beekeeper that thinks he/she has a Varroa resistant strain. I can guarantee will always be above a line.

Feral Colonies

They have not been killed off by Varroa, it was an assumption, not scientific.

Beekeepers are to blame due to putting hives in the wrong place where they die out with Varroa, so no swarms or feral colonies. Feral colonies are still out there surviving. Reduced in numbers, yes, but they are always found above a line.

Sheffield University

I was invited by Ricarda Kather to explain my hypothesis, while there I checked their apiary without any prior knowledge not knowing which was the best or worst beehive as all looked identical. These I believe were used for Varroa hygiene. I found the two best beehives that gave the best hygienic results. These were above a line.


Hygienic behaviour

My apiaries have not changed during my beekeeping so observations have been made pre-lines. During all these years Cleanliness, Hygiene and Grooming have always been noticed to be far better than others within the same apiary not realising at that time they were on a line.

Honeybees can deal with Varroa when above a line.

Honey yield

When above a line the honey yield is always 2 or 3 times greater.


The colonies has tended to supersede rather than swarm. Clearly they are in the right place so why swarm? This does beg the question “Is swarming induced by man?” being put in the wrong place by man.

How long have they been trying to tell us?

Case studies

Case study 1 (within the same apiary)

Take 2 hives of similar size and queen (“A/B“), both infested with Varroa, place “A” above a line, place “B” away from the line.

Hive A; within 6 to 8 weeks this hive will have very little Varroa or none at all and thriving requiring supers.

Hive B; after 6 to 8 weeks will still be heavily ridden with Varroa and much weaker.

Next season reverse these same two hives (if B is still alive) You will observe B becomes Varroa free and A is infested with Varroa.

If you wish using 2 apiaries in the same year the above exchange can be done after 3 months.

“I have used this on countless occasions, with many hives, and the results always being the same”

Case study 2 (within the same apiary)

Take 2 hives of similar size and queen (“C/D”), both infested with Varroa, place “C” above a line, place “D” away from the line.

Hive C; within 6 to 8 weeks this hive will have very little or no Varroa (above as A).

Hive D will be as B, heavily ridden with Varroa.

After 3 months change over the queens from C and D, becoming CD and DC.

CD; You would imagine CD would improve D to be Varroa free, not so, it carries on being ridden with Varroa.

DC; Is still Varroa free.

Conclusion for both case studies..........It is not strain or queen quality but position to where and what the beehive is placed above, i.e.; an Electromagnetic Geopathic Stress Line that vibrates at 250hertz.. Is it the honeybees dealing with Varroa or Varroa not liking the higher vibration? There will always be questions, especially to a way forward. (I have the answer for that to).This is just one question answered. Thank you for reading my hypothesis.


John Harding
Mine arrived today, don't really need it after HM's post!!
I've ordered the book as well but my hope is it includes more information on his method of queen rearing. JH is clearly a very good beekeeper but as for the other stuff listed in the flier, I will only single out one item: "The Earth vibrates at 7.83Hz." Well, it doesn't. This is a myth as is the idea NASA fit special devices in their spaceships to imitate this vibration. Once you accept this point all the rest more or less falls over. I am not doubting the author's conviction in what he believes but I do suspect he inteprets what he sees through the lens of his own convictions - which means anything which doesn't fit is quietly forgotton or ignored. Like rainy days from our childhood holidays.

If his book convinces me otherwise I will come back here and tell you.

In the meantime anyone who does believe in this sort of thing should contact James Randi who has a million dollars waiting for you if you can reproduce these things in a controlled environment. His prize has remained unclaimed for a number of years now.
Schumann Resonance,true or false.

confirmed in 1954 when measurements by German physicist Professor Schumann and Dr. König detected resonances at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz. In the years following this discovery, several investigators worldwide have researched "Schumann resonance" and a number of properties and characteristics have now been established.” The existence of the Schumann Resonance is an established scientific fact and has been since many of the properties and characteristics were confirmed in the 70’s.
Hello Everyone.

Thank you for your input.

May I first thank Roger Patterson for his comments and belief, I told Roger about this 2 to 3 years ago which I know he has confirmed his own curiosity with my discovery.

If I offended anyone at the IBRA Conference then please accept my apologies. I went to IBRA for one reason and that was to make the science world know there is a natural answer. After all I am just like you `a passionate beekeeper that does not want his bees to die whether it be by varroa or chimicals or in Dave`s case Fungi`.

Do you really know what is going on in the scientific industry to create something that is bacterial? we are trying to get the stuff out rather than put more stuff in, but I suppose you would be happy with that due to YOU putting so much trust in these people.

Have you asked what side effects there are?

So please don`t have a go at me for finding a natural answer where the bees can look after their own microenviroment as they were millions of years ago before WE took them away from the one thing they need to survive and put them into boxes.

Yes we are to blame, Yes YOU! We are all to blame for the demise of the honeybee.

It is not mobile phones, pesticide (unless localised), global warming, g m crops, ok Varroa is not helping matters but do remember one thing bees have been dying for centuries. Varroa only esculated the problem that we have created to the media and mainstream public, check out the National Audit Report 2008 which clearly states bees have been dying in great numbers pre- Varroa.

I am not a scientist, when you read my book you will realise I`m not a writer either but as I said a very passionate beekeeper who has watched and studied what the bees do, I have known about my findings for many years and yes I have wanted to shout it from the roof tops, for those of you that was at IBRA, again my apologies, but you witneesed 18 years of frustration aimed at the people who killed my queens when I used their licenced products. Did they want to know if there was side effects, NO of course not, they put it down to the wrong adminstering of their product, so I was at fault.

When some of you get to being a Honeybee Farmer, which I hope you do, then all of a sudden looking at 50 hives a day you get a very good picture of what is happening in the surrounding area (nature) and in the hives so if a large percentage start supercedure at the wrong time of year just after treatment then to me that is not rocket science it comes down to common sense.

What I have discovered will change beekeeping as we know it, if all I will be remembered for is saving the honeybee then it will all be worthwhile.

It was not a ploy to sell my book at IBRA but to be heard and this one forum is testament to the many forums around the world then it was a success.

For those of you that have bought my book, I thank you. You will be chemical free forever and have honeybees to play with your grandchildren.

For those who are so blinkered in life, I can`t make you buy my book, but please try to borrow one otherwise you will be the loser.

Finally, I had the most exciting time while on a visit to NASA Houston Texas, when I mentioned I was a beekeeper they treated us like royalty so I was able to not only see everything without the crowds but ask questions about Earth Vibration. They were very interested to learn of the connection between honeybees and earth vibration and confirmed quite without question that the earth does vibrate a varying levels and this bit was quite strange they too use Dowsing, Yes at NASA!

For now I will be willing to answer questions as long as it relates to beekeeping and is not scientific.

I really do not care whether it is this or that all I know is it works. It has taken a very long time to tell you.

Try it, its free.

John Harding
As Dizzy Rascal says " bonkers " , on th eother hand , as John Harding says "Try it, its free." - nothing to lose.
How easy is it for ordinary mortals to detect " GSL's " ?
Hello John

I know that you said that some of your hives do not have any varroa, some do, then you swop them around and the varroa colony loses its varroa etc. Call me a bit thick, but how do you know where the geopathic stress lines are?

I have ordered your book but it hasn't arrived yet.

I did a tour at NASA once and the company running the tours then was Boeing. It takes little imagination to realise the people at the shop floor, so to speak, are trained to tell people what they want to hear - as the last thing they want is an argument. Bad for business. It's the USA.

The Earth does indeed vibrate at various levels - the source of the vibrations are earthquakes or tectonic plate movements, nuclear tests, etc.
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Well - @rooftops I in the past, was friends with a chap called Ricky. Very nice chap and he and my mother were good friends. We stayed friends for many years. He did a very important job for NASA. I agree with you. It takes very little imagination to realise that your post is actually quite patronising. I don't mean to Mr Harding whom I don't know. I mean to me who knows better than you the goings on at NASA - EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE - and many many more top secret areas. And under no circumstances would anyone from NASA agree for the sake of an easy life with such a what was the phrase "bonkers" theory as you would have us believe. The headlines would read "NASA STAFF IS A LOON - caught on camera/tape/iPod", you pick the device. THAT rooftops is bad for business. They would only agree if it was the truth.n
Ordered!!! :hurray:

Prepare your inbox for a lot of emails from them. I ordered it at I think 15.30 and it was dispatched at 17.30. With emails at every stage. I was like "alright take it easy tiger".
Prepare your inbox for a lot of emails from them. I ordered it at I think 15.30 and it was dispatched at 17.30. With emails at every stage. I was like "alright take it easy tiger".

yeah you are right! abought 5 or 6 e-mails so far!
Johns Book Arrived!

To start with let me say I am no book reviewer and I have no right to review a book. I have no qualifications in book reviewing and I only have my own opinion and that can only reflect my own perspective. If you want to know what my thoughts are on Johns book, read on, if not then stop here. And if this post is deemed against forum rules admin please remove it.


Well the book arrived yesterday and I spent the evening reading it. I have only read the bit that reflects the part about dowsing. I am not qualified in any respect to even utter a comment on the beekeeping side of things and from all accounts John has forgotten more about beekeeping than I will ever know. And aside from that he is apparently a true gent.

The book is badly written. Thats is the first thing to say. It will distract from its content as will the skipping between font sizes. I know that John has had trouble keeping this under wraps and prevent others from writing a similar book based on a copy they had of this. So I assume that is the reason for the hurry to publish. It also reads like a blog. I have used the internet for just over 20 years and have read hundreds of blogs and forum posts and if your comfortable with that style of writing, this book will be an easy read. The trouble is I think that John is an expert beekeeper but not an expert in dowsing. John refers to Electromagnetic Geopathic Stress Lines. And dowsing to find them. Ill give a brief explanation of how dowsing came about.

Dowsing was rediscovered (at least he is credited with it), by a chap called Alfred Watkins. He coined the phrase Ley lines in 1921. He was a chap in his 60's when he set out a system for finding ley lines. He first published his findings in a book called "The Old Straight Track" which was first published in 1925. The full details of his efforts and also a detailed explanation of ley line finding can be found in a book called Ley Lines of the South West by Alan Neal. ISBN - 1-899383-67-0 and when i bough it it was £2.99.

Dowsing is recognised world wide and is as John says used by big industry. I have watched a few documentaries where dowsers used by amongst other Shell Oil show off their talents. I've even done it myself. Its an unusual feeling to say the least. Watkins describes how to search for the Ley lines, by looking at what the ancients did. Getting a 1 to 25000 map and circling various archaeological sites in the area you are looking at. Then you draw a line. If I remember from the book correctly, if the line had 6 or more archaeological sites pass through it, it was considered worthy of investigation in person using dowsing techniques. Hazel Y, or rods. If they showed a reaction that could be repeated at various points along the line, then it was considered a ley line. Thats it. Using these sites was considered a good starting point because Watkins considered that the ancients used this technique on a daily basis and so knew better than us where these lines lay, and how they were beneficial. There are numerous ley lines throughout the world. And there is a world famous one that travels from St Michaels mount in Cornwall, passes through Glastonbury torr, and finishes in I think Norfolk/East Anglia somewhere. They are everywhere. Well in a lot of places. My findings such as they are, confirm Watkins work, for what its worth.

Johns findings regarding lining the frames up with the North South magnetic line, make total sense to me. The info about the US and their nuclear deter ant low frequency defence system contributing to their problems with bee decline is possible. I did cringe when I read it, but you have to understand what the US are doing with regard to nuclear deterant and micro waves to see where John is coming from. I have not heard of this low frequency shield he mentions, but they were playing with a thing called COBRA MIST in the 50's in Norfolk UK, and a thing called Project Starfish Prime (igniting the ionosphere using nuclear detonation) China being the last to do this in October 1980. Through the info they discovered during these tests they produced a piece of kit which can prevent things entering our atmosphere i.e. a nuclear missile from another country or whatever. Some even think that this piece of kit is called HAARP today. In fact there was vast intel stolen from watching the Russians and using agents to get more intel. In fact and I quote "it has astounded us (the CIA) that the Russians have shown remarkable progress into the area of exotic technologies far greater than here in the US. And yet they show a remarkable lack of imagination as to its military applications." (source CIA freedom of info section, CIA website). Could this effect honey bee flight paths. Yes is the simple answer. It uses non ionising radiation - advanced microwave technology. which has an EMF field. So in theory yes is the answer. EMF field distortion has been shown to effect pigeon flight paths, when they are made to wear a harness carrying a little machine designed to manipulate the EMF field.

However Johns reference to EGSL's is incorrect. Ley lines are considered a good thing in spiritual/dowsing circles. A flow of energy much like the oceans currents. Whilst Geopathic Stress lines are considered bad for health. And John explains that you cannot feel or see them but can only use dowsing to find them. If something has the word Electromagnetic in it, you can find it by using an EMF meter. Ley lines as far as I am aware you cannot. I may be wrong. As far as I know you can only use dowsing methods to find those.

I found the passion in Johns writing evident and I will no doubt find the info about beekeeping (which is the other half of the book) very interesting.

I would like to make this final comment:

Radiation - you cannot smell it, touch it, see it or feel it. You can now measure for it, but only in the last 60 or so years can you measure it accurately. Only in high doses can you accurately say what will happen to a human being and even that has its limits. So maybe in the future ley lines will be the same. Until then you are only able to dowse for them. Only when it started killing people did people react to the issue of radiation. Little is known about it, other than by those that work in that field. Jo Public is bewilderingly ignorant of its properties and hazards. And the same can be said of cancer, autism, mental disorders and a raft of other things.

I'd be happy to post Johns book on once I have read and digested the beekeeping side of things if there is no objection, on the understanding that it makes the rounds. So whoever I post it to posts it onto the next person. As John says this technique is free - worth a go. PM your address and name and I'll send the book on. ;)
I found it an interesting read, too.

Agreed, with Storm (and the author), not the best planned/written/organised/etc book I have seen. But it was worth the eleven quid (about 4 pints of beer, now?) for the snippets that make one think more deeply about one's beekeeping.

The dowsing seems to be able to work for me, but needs a bit more testing than running the tap and checking the run of the drains!

The N-S bit about comb building needs some references for checking the absolute validity (as with a few more items in the text), but I am thinking my Dartingtons are a*se about face, Langstroth hives are obviously more correct than the average National with 'warm way' frames, etc, if the facts are confirmed (any references anyone?).

The floors simply confirm the OMF facts. I do partially close mine for some colonies, in the winter. What is more, I can give some of my old solid floors a whirl, for no cost apart from effort from me. Just plain common sense beekeeping really, when one actually considers the arguments/reasoning behind the development of the original ideas.

There are several (no, many) snippets to pick up on. Unfortunately a vast majority of readers will at least miss some of them due to the book layout, experience, etc!

A very worthwhile read for those that are willing to read it carefully. John obviously has a broad basic knowledge of beekeeping stretching back over many years. This book fills in some of the details not found in basic beekeeping tomes.

Not a jot of use for those that want to learn the basics of beekeeping, but 'oh-so' useful for those that think, or wish to progress from the beginnings of the craft without making all the same original mistakes as many who have gone before.

Buy it, is my recommendation to all the potential improvers in the craft and also for the 'naysayers' who can try to disprove it. Just don't dismiss the book out of hand.

Regards, RAB

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