Being nocturnal they tend to be quite secretive, my neighbour noticed one out early this year because their cat was causing a scene at the patio door and the hedgy was seen scuttling off through the fence in to my garden.
My ginger tom often paws at the glass but I assume foxy is teasing him but tbh don't look.
Last time I actually saw one in the garden (several years ago) was a mating pair making a racket near my garden hive, a shallow scrape was formed and they were coupled in the scrape. Apart from finding the used nest site under the moved shed, all I know is that one at least is around and probably there always is one in my locale..
I have three raised sheds so plenty of dry places where they can shelter and form a home if they wish. I keep a wood pile for the wood to rot down and to create a habitat for insects to proliferate and within the wood pile there is a space and access for one to enter.