Moving Bees From Abroad To England

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
Hive Type
Number of Hives
17 nucs....
Old news - this happened a few years ago after that awful winter that followed a dismal wet summer which saw many beekeepers experience catastrophic colony losses. A lot of the bees being brought over were for a person who had not long gone commercial and was on the point of seeing his business fold if he hadn't had these bees.

Yeh... bloomin whimp!
( I do believe the bees died because they stole all their winter stores and did not replace them!... then went crying that it was not fair to the Government! and expected us tax payers to pay for their business mal management.... but I could be wrong!)

Nos da
:calmdown: Bit girly for you?

( can I borrow your ratters!!! Springer is a wimp... runs away from them)

Nadalek Lowen

I was emotional watching it and i now need a new box of tissues, if you have a rat problem i can help firstly by shooting the springer in the nut, and then telling you how to set springers (traps) that is.. ;)
I was emotional watching it and i now need a new box of tissues, if you have a rat problem i can help firstly by shooting the springer in the nut, and then telling you how to set springers (traps) that is.. ;)

He caught two this morning.... has his saving graces... probably thought the rat was one of my socks.. that he usually distributes around the orchard:hairpull:

Nadalek Lowen