modified wally

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Q+ side. Just knock the QCs down till they stop.
Unless they are trying to supersede her
How old is the queen
Thank you.

She is a blue 2015. I was wondering if they were, but there were maybe 4-5 charged queen cells along the bottom bar.

I was wondering if they were still feeling congested. They have all the fliers, a super that I would add to, if it was over a full colony, but its over 2 frames that were moved and they are still drawing out the added foundation on the rest of the frames mainly.
Thanks a milion Let's give that a go.
Cancel my last, this one hasn't got a super on yet. They are just being contrary. I shall try your plan A.
Getting more interesting!

One colony is text book.

The other......

Q+ side still making queen cells.

Q- side to which I added a frame of eggs due to no queen cells. Eggs now seen! And not suspicious positioning or quantity.

I can only think that in the chaos of the bailey change earlier in the season I missed a queen cell and a virgin has mated. It is a good reason as to why no q.c.

We will see.

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