Keith to set the record straight I never mentioned adding brood. I told you how long it tould take to take a mini to a full colony, and I might add YOU never mentioned you were wanting to discuss packages.
Getting a two pound package to have 6 supers on it is easy. Put bees in hive, put on excluder and any fool can add 6 empty supers. Do I believe the claim? In a word NO.
when I started beekeeping long time ago, i bought lots of swarms. I learned to put 8 lbs bees (joined swarms) into two langstroth box. I got my money back in first summer because they brought 40 kg honey per hive.
The swarms came about in the middle of June and the hives got a third box at the end of July. they did not grew bigger in our summer.
If I compare a start of wintered colony in Spring, it takes 2 months before a colony starts to grow.
A 5 frame nuc with 3-4 brood frames is faster. It takes its own time too debending on how old the brood is.
But as it was said, mininucs are not ment to rear colonies. They are only for mating queens.