Membership card out of date

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Tosh - attached to the address cover sheet as a white insert in a full yellow background clearly visible.

Actually it's not Tosh ... Yes it does state on the yellow address panel 'Important : Membership Card Enclosed - Please see overleaf'

BUT ... I could see it was BBKA News as it's a see through poly cover and the address panel is ON THE BACK ! So, being a bloke, I just ripped it open, chucked what I thought was the usual 'junk' on the coffee table and went headfirst into the Chairman's Letter. It was only when OH asked if I wanted 'this rubbish' and pointed to the Membership Card that I actually LOOKED at it ... I cannot be the only one ? Can I ?
I noticed it and just wonder what happens if a member who quit this year tries to claim one of the benefits such as a discount on a bee friendly tree. Do they still get the benefit??

Actually it's not Tosh ... Yes it does state on the yellow address panel 'Important : Membership Card Enclosed - Please see overleaf'

BUT ... I could see it was BBKA News as it's a see through poly cover and the address panel is ON THE BACK ! So, being a bloke, I just ripped it open, chucked what I thought was the usual 'junk' on the coffee table and went headfirst into the Chairman's Letter. It was only when OH asked if I wanted 'this rubbish' and pointed to the Membership Card that I actually LOOKED at it ... I cannot be the only one ? Can I ?

So the temperament and mail opening behaviours of all types and styles of beekeeper - including those who are unable to contain themselves at the thought of the Chairman's letter - has to be considered when deciding which way round to pack the issue. Oh for goodness sake...
pretty incompetent of BBKA ! Very basic error - goodness knows what they will do - replace them all ? Someone needs to get fired !

BBKA should replace the lot - it's clearly not a 'printers' error or they would have reprinted them so it had to be in origination or artwork - somebody in BBKA cocked up - should get fired - should be reprinted. Lesson to learn here - complacent BBKA ? I think so ...

In any commercial organisation 'mistakes' of this magnitude are not acceptable's not just the fact that it's been made it's the 'Just use the card and ignore the incorrect date on it' attitude of the BBKA that's an issue ...

Oh dear. What an unnecessary reaction to a simple error.

Calm down. It's an error. Once in doing it, once in missing it, then printed twenty thousand times. Who here hasn't made a similar error at some point and breathed a sigh of relief that they caught it before it went public/critical?

I think mountain out of a molehill applies here

Well said.
So the temperament and mail opening behaviours of all types and styles of beekeeper - including those who are unable to contain themselves at the thought of the Chairman's letter - has to be considered when deciding which way round to pack the issue. Oh for goodness sake...

Not what I said at all ... I admitted my incompetence in NOT noticing the membership card ... I didn't see a lot of admission from the BBKA that they had cocked up their membership card. The BBKA is, by their own statement, a professional organisation run by full time, salaried personnel, representing 24000 beekeepers. I accept mistakes are made ... it's their attitude that I found a little unapologetic and underwhelming ! And this is a very calm PA ... it's not the end of the world but if we all accept things like this happening without comment then all that results is complacency from an association that is, after all, ours. It's my view ... like it or not.
I didn't see a lot of admission from the BBKA that they had cocked up their membership card.

How much admission do you need? A prompt apology straight after the Bank Holiday is surely more professional than many mistakes (think banks, horsemeat, whatever...and denial).

Now back to a busy day's beekeeping.
Do some people have so little going on in their lives that a simple mistake (that is all it is, not gross negligence) has caused such an outcry, with calls for people getting sacked. Crickey switch the news on and realise that there is alot worse going on in the world!

They have held their hands up to a mistake, if you are worried about Bookers not accepting your card simply take the apology letter along with you. Problem solved.

It is not apparently impossible to reprint the cards.

"If the address details above or on your card are incorrect, please inform your local Secretary so that a revised card may be issued if required and the BBKA Members' Register amended."

Class Action: Details on card are incorrect, revised card required, database does not require amending.

The page will require to be reprinted and the computer run redone and distributed with the next month's BBKA News.

I have seen 12,000 invoices go out in the post with errors and the next day when spotted an apology was posted for each incorrect invoice and the correct invoice followed as soon as the problem had been rectified. It happens, no jobs were put at risk but corrective action was taken in a timely and professional manner.

The cost of doing business is having to pay to correct your errors, unless of course you don't think that the membership deserve such a consideration.

Perhaps we should all PhotoShop our membership cards and print them ourselves anyway? After all the membership number will be valid and the BBKA surely can't complain if they are not bothered about making sure the details on the basic card are correctly represented. Any benefits claimed would be on the basis of valid membership and not on the basis of the card, which apparently proves little but that time travel is not outwith the bounds of imagination.
ok wrongly phrase...meant getting, the trade price in the bookers cash and carry otherwise they wont sell you sugarat all

We went into Bookers when the scheme first started, filled out a form and got a Bookers card through the post. Their customer services just asked for a receipt for beekeeping equipment rather than the membership card to prove I kept bees! That was the only time I have ever shown my card to anyone (apart from one visit to Stoneleigh) in all the years I've kept bees. If I need to go to Bookers I show their card not the BBKA one.

I didn't notice the mistake until I saw this thread!
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Ahh ... at last - someone else get's the point !

The BBKA is a charity not a business, it is managed by volunteers save the very few payed employees,
The unnecessary cost of a rerun would be a penalty on the membership !
I little ridiculous ,just to please the pedant and chronic knocker!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Ahh ... at last - someone else get's the point !


Many of us see the point, but also see the potential £24,000 of a print run and mailing (Assume 24,000 members, 2nd class A4 post @ 69p, and print/enveloping costs unfeasibly low at 31p)

A similar cost to send everyone on their mailing list an apology letter - when they may just as well IMHO include an apology in the next newsletter for no additional cost?

Mistakes happen.

I'm happy not to have a reprint myself, but if that's not your view, perhaps you should contact BBKA directly?
The BBKA is a charity not a business, it is managed by volunteers save the very few payed employees,
The unnecessary cost of a rerun would be a penalty on the membership !

...they may just as well IMHO include an apology in the next newsletter for no additional cost?

Mistakes happen.

I'm happy not to have a reprint myself, but if that's not your view, perhaps you should contact BBKA directly?

How often did you use the card last year - personally - not once

It's an error - will have any hardly effect, move along, nothing to see here :calmdown::calmdown:

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