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Field Bee
Aug 17, 2009
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I have just visited NOD apiaries new global website as advertised in ABJ it looks like the MAQ's are undergoing VMD registration anyone had anything to do with them as they say UK trials have been carried out. I know Formic can kill queens and weak colonies inits old format
I see they have a page showing a BASF partnership.
I am far from a natural beekeeper,yet always think working to close with any single chemical company can not be a good thing long term.
They are having a meeting later this month with regards the UK registration,seem to tick all the boxes so far in this respect, and it should be available for use next season.
Having read a few threads on it and its use, on beesource, the main issue they are having is appying the product and then the following days temperatures being very high and causing issues, same as apiguard does at the moment, 7 day treatment and mites in brood killed as well, plus can be used when supers are on, is very different to what we use today.
Interesting subject, i was reading about it on another post which seems to have disappeared (must have breached forum rules on advertising) but not before i managed to read a link to a field trial, seems very affective but hinted at queen loss, high levels of brood kill and queens going of lay, only to be used on the strongest colonies i would assume, also it states it can be used with supers on as the treatment did not affect the bees level of foraging, but did not seem to say if it would taint the Honey or not, it will be interesting to see it it get approved for us in the UK.
Formic always has had that type of effect on colonies, strong colonies only probably, and supers on, we will have to see what the powers that be have to say on that one. From what beesource says they leave them on in the US.
They are having a meeting later this month with regards the UK registration,seem to tick all the boxes so far in this respect, and it should be available for use next season.

Any news Pete on the outcome of that meeting ? Chris
Phoned them a couple of weeks ago, but Seon was away, not called them again yet.
Thanks Pete can you give us an update if and when available many thanks Chris
Had a phone call today, and the MAQ's have just got the VMD approval for sale in the UK, supplies will be a bit limited to start with, awaiting an e mail with more details,will then post it on the main forum as well, if no one else does it first.

Also as an aside, been chatting on the phone with Mike Palmer, and he is doing a talk at the national honey show in october, after having a bit of a tour of
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Dear Peter,

It was great to be able to finally speak to you with some good news.

As discussed, please find below initial information on MAQS Beehive strip. We have literally only just received the Authorisation, so websites, printed information etc will be a little time yet.

MAQS Beehive Strip has been Authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate for use against the Varroa destructor parasitic mite here in the United Kingdom.

I attach a press release for your information.

The lead time on manufacture and shipping to the UK means that physical product will be available in the UK in early April.

MAQS will be packed in a 10 treatment bucket, with each treatment being 2 strips.

Prices, inclusive of VAT are £55.20/bucket for 1 – 4 buckets

£49.68/bucket for 5 – 9 buckets

£46.92/bucket for 10 plus buckets

We will be at the BBKA Spring Convention on April 13th. We will be able to deliver product to you, carriage free, at this Convention where it has been ordered and paid for by Friday 5th April.

Orders can be placed over the phone – please call 01630 655722 and ask for Ginny.

We will shortly have websites up and running where you will be able to learn more about best practice with MAQS in addition to placing orders on line.

I will be in touch again in the coming weeks with details on these websites as well as providing you with a comprehensive pack of additional technical information and best practice guides.

Yours in beekeeping,

Mr Siôn Price

BCW (Agriculture) Ltd

Unit 8 Burnside Business Park

Market Drayton


TF9 3UX Telephone: 01630 655 722 E-mail: [email protected]
A bit off topic. Vita are here carrying out tests in our hives with Hopguard 2- they reckon about another year to get approval for this one.
A bit off topic. Vita are here carrying out tests in our hives with Hopguard 2- they reckon about another year to get appro9val for this one.

I have been studying the progress of Hopguard as well, even phoned a brewery about the important
Thanks for the update Pete, looks like Thornes will have it in April but will not put it on their site until they actually have it in stock, but you can pre-order i believe, sound interesting. Chris
It is certainly worth considering BC maybe as a trial in one site to test its effectiveness, yes it is pricey as is always the case when a new product becomes available to the market, prices may come down in time hopefully. Chris
I hear what you are saying Murray as regards to price, i can run to one bucket as a trial but that`s about it :D Chris
Perhaps we should get Rob on the case direct with the importer and see if he can do any sort of deal for beefarmers, what do you think Murray, the only problems they seem to have been having with it in the US is when the temps go too high, not too much risk or that here.

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