Macbook air question.

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Oct 4, 2010
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got myself a macbook air over the weekend,currys give me some norton internet security to put on it?
should i ? was always lead to believe norton want up to much??
also as i have never used a mac before so i havent a clue about it,know of any good books out there that i could buy to help me understand it a bit more easily.

Norton is as good as any, just turn off all the tuning ********.
Nortons pretty rubbish.
There is much better AV software out there - and a lot of it's free.
Depends on what you use the mac for, day to day wp'ing browsing etc there won't be much difference. I use both Mac OS and Win OS, other than the keyboard layout - a few keys not in the usual place.
Err Norton does pretty well in reviews. AVG is free and fairly good.. but other paid for stuff is better.

I admit to using Norton for years.. never had any issues at all.

If you google antivirus software reviews tec..
Err Norton does pretty well in reviews. AVG is free and fairly good.. but other paid for stuff is better.

I admit to using Norton for years.. never had any issues at all.

If you google antivirus software reviews tec..

Don't need to.
Used to be in the biz :)

Been a Mac user for some years, currently Imac and Macbook and have never installed any virus software. Always used Norton on my PC though!
Dont really need it on a mac it is from a time when i used to use windows old habits die hard lol
Your at greater risk with Windows rather than OS X. OS X is Unix coded thus making it harder to exploit.

Sandboxing and Gatekeeper on OS X Lion is protecting your Mac.

As for Norton, never used it in when using PC. Tended to use a lot of background memory.

Microsoft produce a free AV program: Microsoft Security Essentials
also as i have never used a mac before so i havent a clue about it,know of any good books out there that i could buy to help me understand it a bit more easily.

The inbuilt 'help' is pretty good.
With 'nothing' running (or click on the Desktop background), the Help menu has some useful 'Start here' stuff.
The big thing to learn about are the system-wide conventions. Learn something here, apply it everywhere.
Begin by going to System Preferences,open up the Trackpad control panel and play around with (try out) ALL the various tricks - but just employ the ones that you feel comfortable with. Tapping the trackpad for an ordinary click is something I find far too easy to do accidentally, so its turned off.

The "Missing Manual" series of books used to be pretty good. Support your local bookshop - browse and buy there.
On my Big Mac, I use Tomato Ketchup.
I also like Apple milk shakes - that would be Vanilla flavour then ! :)
Flashback is a bit like Deja Vu, but in reverse

Might be a good idea to put it on initially if it is free, then you should be 100% supported by the vendor if you have any complaints to make. Get used to the OS and then make changes as you see fit.
The majority of end users on the Internet use one microsoft OS or another hence attackers tend to concentrate on looking for compromises for MS platforms leaving other platforms less harassed!