Slangers - why do I get the feeling you are taking this a bit too seriously. Consider the front of a beehive as natures TV. Simply watch the bees coming and going and look at their pollen sacks and try and make out what they are bringing in. A chair and good bee suit and sit at the side of the hives on a summers day/evening and simply enjoy the bee airport. Let them ebb and flow with the seasons and if you have honey at the end of the year well and good, if not there is always next year. Above all try and let the bees alone, outside of the very bare necessities, ie if you provide your bees with a good dry home and location (off the ground and a good roof with deep sides) and if you treat for varroa in the winter, and an artificial swarm once a year, believe me the bees will do just fine. You dont have to be very good at this, just enjoy it. Dont beat yourself up over loosing swarms, nature needs all the feral hives it can get its hand on right now. I know there are plenty righteous punters that will slate me for condoning the loss of swarms - I dont but it happens to us all. Dont mind the righteous. There will also be the crowd that want to control everything the bees do and micro manage every part of their existence - it cracks me up. Bees have been around for 25 million years or so and managed just fine without man. In fact mankind has only brought doom to their existence (we spread varroa by transporting bees across water ways!) Other contributors are correct - cut down on the numbers, and enjoy them.