No, it's not my photo, the image is to show the wings laying on one another.
Ok, here's the story. I was marking a Queen and had her in the fingers of my left hand, I reached into my pocket with my right hand to take out the marker pen and while trying to remove the cap with just the one hand, I dropped the pen. I picked up the pen and went to give her a little mark on her back when a large splodge of marker paint came out and ran down her back and down both wings. I stood there for a few minutes thinking what to do and in the mean time the marker paint dried, so I put her back in the hive.
This happened two weeks ago, but yesterday when I checked on her, she is still laying well and moving around ok, but her wings are still stuck together. I'm guessing that in time in will wear off, but it had me thinking that she couldn't smarm as things are...