Is it me or.......

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It all sound like a lot of complete toddlewash!... So that's why I'm gonna give it a go as soon as I get back home, I like the idea of discovering something that I can't explain. Probably one of the reasons I started bee keeping! :) So I'm now away to research!(Google) how to make and use a dowsing rod, Ill post my findings :) Interesting POST
So is dowsing one of those things you've got or not got? I've never tried it, but I suspect it's sort of like dancing - you either can or can't...

I recall reading a turn of the century (end 19th) book on dowsing when a student. It was fascinating. All summer I tried - and was an abject failure.

Fast forward more than 50 years and I read about again several years ago following RP's talk of bees , dowsing and other such stuff. So I tried again..

And was an abject failure again..

At least I was and am consistent..
How do you use them?

I was thinking of putting out a bait hive, and was wondering were to site it.

Couple of bits of wire, bend a right angle into them.. if you want to be truly objective about it put the ends of the short end of the right angle into a couple of bic biro tubes. Grasp the tubes so the rods swing freely and point them forwards - try and keep the rods horizontal and then think about what you want to find. Walk forwards (or backwards if you prefer).

The rods will cross over the thing you are looking for ... all on their own It never fails to amaze me ..
Does anyone else remember that ley lines were featured on Tomorrow's world?
I'm going back to the 70's here, so my recall is less than perfect.

In one programme they used a small 'black box' to mark ley lines across a field and even across a pond, which could then be found and followed by a dowsing. On a later programme, when they had established that these lines faded after time, they revealed that their box contained just a light source and other odds. They speculated that the ancients may have used lights or mirrors whatever in the same way to create lines for navigation or setting out construction sites. I don't think they ventured a guess about the nature or energy source of the more permanent ley lines over the landscape.
Whoops - duplicate post!
Couple of bits of wire, bend a right angle into them.. if you want to be truly objective about it put the ends of the short end of the right angle into a couple of bic biro tubes. Grasp the tubes so the rods swing freely and point them forwards - try and keep the rods horizontal and then think about what you want to find. Walk forwards (or backwards if you prefer).

The rods will cross over the thing you are looking for ... all on their own It never fails to amaze me ..

Might have a go later as the bait hive is ready to go.
Fascinating. I have the same issue with a spot in my garden apiary that seems to always go grumpy.

I notice in all the ley /energy line discussions the direction of consideration is on placing bees/traps/hives on intersecting lines to obtain maximum efficacy (for want of a better word)...But it was not obvious where not to place hives....To avoid Emyr's initial contemplation over his troublesome hive position and my garden site of a similar issue?

Is the suggestion to always have them on these lines? Or is some (other) diabolical force at play that turns them into hell raisers? (Or as my daughter likes to call them, "Hell Raisins").
The only time i have had anything similar was when i put bees in a clearing of a wood, they turned evil in a week. Moved them away and they were great again. Every colony I put there did the same so I don't use that site anymore.

There is something special about the carport we have it always attracts swarms, I had 3 there last year and now there is a bait hive there that is having a lot of interest from bees. Looks like there will be more this year.
Does anyone else remember that ley lines were featured on Tomorrow's world?
I'm going back to the 70's here, so my recall is less than perfect.

In one programme they used a small 'black box' to mark ley lines across a field and even across a pond, which could then be found and followed by a dowsing. On a later programme, when they had established that these lines faded after time, they revealed that their box contained just a light source and other odds. They speculated that the ancients may have used lights or mirrors whatever in the same way to create lines for navigation or setting out construction sites. I don't think they ventured a guess about the nature or energy source of the more permanent ley lines over the landscape.

Our present HMG seem to be navigating the country using smoke and mirrors!

Pargy could offer them a masterclass in dousing... perhaps?

Chons da
It all sound like a lot of complete toddlewash!... So that's why I'm gonna give it a go as soon as I get back home, I like the idea of discovering something that I can't explain. Probably one of the reasons I started bee keeping! :) So I'm now away to research!(Google) how to make and use a dowsing rod, Ill post my findings :) Interesting POST

Read post#19?
Thought I'd revisit this thread again as I have a little update.
As I said, Hive 9 at this location gave laods of honey last year (as well as three queens from a Demarree, all queens are gentle, prolific and the people I gave two of the nucs to have no complaints.
Hive six is still the devil's own hive.
This year I've taken a nuc from hive six and moved it to another location just to see whether there is a difference (early days yet), I've also taken a nuc (I wish I'd taken more) from hive 9 which the queen emerged around the eighth of June and will be requiring a super next week.
Anyway, I thought I'd better check the provenance of hive 9 for future reference as she's a keeper (I do keep records, but nothing fantastic) it transpires that the queens in both hives are supersedure queens descended from the queen which was the original queen in the hive from hell!!
These colonies are still less than ten feet apart

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