Is everyone as far behind last year as I am? (AT LEAST 2 weeks)

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It was quite pleasant in the sunshine yesterday - I spent the day at RHS Wisley - but there was a very brisk wind and the 11 degrees felt much colder in the wind. The crocus there is now over, there is a bit of early fruit tree blossom and some ornamental cherry in blossom but not much. The only bees I saw flying in any numbers were the masonry bees in the rammed earth wall by the education centre - hardly a sign of honey bees.

Down here on the Costa del Fareham heavy (very heavy) rain from about 7pm last night and overnight and it's still raining this morning .. a dry day tomorrow (according to the forecast) but there's no OSR in flying distance and I reckon my bees are just ticking over - no need to feed but there is certainly no flow and no surplus.

Just been looking back at last year's records and I don't think it's a lot different to last year where I am ... it was not a good start to the season and I think it was fairly general if you look back to the WDYDITA thread this time last year ...

Perhaps a week or so behind in terms of blossom but not much ... the wet spring seems to be every year now .. but memory is a very selective thing - we just remember the highs and lows ... not the bits that are just the same.
In short, No.

I think as per every year that my colonies are at a varied level of buildup and the strongest got their 1st supers this weekend (mainly due to OSR starting to flower).

A quick check with my records indicate a similar if not slower start last year.

What I have noticed so far on the few minor inspections is that most of the strongest colonies are in my poly hives and not the wooden ones.

**And funnily enough the apiary that is more exposed to the wind but in which the hives are south facing seems to have done better than the more sheltered North facing apiary.
Now birds are sead eaters. They are tens of species.

Insect eaters arrive at the end of May.
Most likely micro climate.

Years ago I had a couple of hives on my fathers garden, and whilst not exactly exposed they were not as sheltered as his neighbours hives. The difference in flying between 100 yds was interesting to say the least.

It is truly dangerous bee wise to generalise from the particular.


Which is why I asked.
Hi TTLTB et al,
Thank you for asking which made me look back at my records. Same as last year in terms of frames of brood, but more bees in the hives so perhaps second brood cycle. Saying, that mine overwintered very badly last year all on Ivy which I won't do again - not saying that was the full story.
My bees have been out and about most days recently, but very few flowers out that I have been able to spot. Noticed some dandelions flowering on warm banks by the roadside and lots of pussy-willow in the woods. I've been feeding syrup in the hopes that if we do get some warm weather later there will then be enough bees to take advantage of it - probably wasting my time.

Lost one hive last year due to a failed Queen, which I was too slow to spot.
I hope for a lime flow so am feeding syrup.

About the same status as last year which was cold and wet until May..

Hawthorn is just going green - it flowered last year late May /early June... so no change likely there..
Here in East London I felt the need to inspect one hive. The queen has been prolific but is getting on and they are very likely to swarm. No way do I want to lose this one.

Inspected a couple of days ago and found 2 queen cells on the bottom of one frame. Nice large queen cells but empty. No drones or drone brood. They had some fresh nectar and they were all over the blossom trees today. Will have to keep an eye on them. They are the future for my apiary (I hope).
To Windy

Here in Lancashire I have been hoping to get a nice day this week before my holidays.
Forecast for today was 16 degrees but there's a hell of a wind so not really ideal to go opening up the hives. Left well alone.
Had a cursory look to see if many were flying. Many out and bringing in pollen so all seems well.
Patience is needed so will go away on holiday and hope for the best
Just checked - my first inspection was 5th April last year and I doubt I'll get a chance to look until this weekend, if it doesn't rain again. There was snow just south of here over the weekend and today's rain had to be seen to be believed, although it's eased somewhat (I can see the ripples in the new lake in the yard). They've promised up to 14C this weekend, so I'm optimistic that normal service will resume soon.
My colony's which contain queens from a prolific strain are going nuts lot of gorse pollen coming in as I am surrounded by it. Took fourteen to osr on Saturday and will hopefully get a first inspection this week weather is not to bad wet at night and warm through the day. I got asked today for hives to go in an apple orchard that also has a few cherry trees that are starting to flower.
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First swallow of the year over my allotment yesterday. Looked lonely.
Just checked records. Last year each of three hives with 4-5 frames BIAS and plenty winter stores remaining.
First quick inspection yesterday and very similar picture - three hives with 3-5 frames BIAS and plenty winter stores remaining.
So, no big difference.
I got home from work just before 7pm last night and there was a hype of activity outside my hives with foragers coming in and out at pace. It rained until mid-afternoon so either the bees were desperate to make up for the few hours being stuck indoors or they have found a field of liquid gold somewhere. We are expecting a week of sunshine, little wind and temperatures between 12-14C here so it might just be what they needed.
I will open up this afternoon or Thursday and see how they are doing for space, brood and varroa!
First inspection last week and they are going great guns.

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