Import of NZ bees into UK

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Could I suggest that if we want to send some kind of co-ordinated e-mail to the co-op then we discuss it via PM. It was stated a while ago that they were keeping an eye on this thread, so it would be pointless to let them know the exact contents of the e-mail in advance.
I also think that a single e-mail from a group of us would be better than several e-mails all saying the same thing. The contents of the e-mail could be agreed via PM.
I'd suggest that anyone interested in contributing should perhaps PM Rose Cottage (if that's OK with you RC).

I'd like to see a copy of what's sent, please. Could you post it to the thread when you've decided amongst yourselves?
Ok so if contact is made then who do people start with?

Here is a link to the Co-Op executive:

I think that it would be helpful if we can agree on who to contact first as this would prevent people inadvertently spamming the company.

Who have people contacted so far?

ITLD if you have no issue with people contacting the company and engaging with them in an open dialogue (which is the purpose here) then can we ask you to identify a good starting point in the organisation, other than the press office...of-course, we all should respect your right of privacy, confidentiality, etc. You can always decline information without anyone being critical...afterall it is your business.

Clearly there are some who want to make contact and I would seek to give them the best chance to get their views across in a polite, constructive, and meaningful way.

All the best,

I was always told to aim for the top, it will soon be passed to the appropriate person, but also letting the top dog know what's happening!:)
A bit of comment....

So with PC to hand instead of the blackberry....I have gone back to post 512 to comment on some posts since...

Extrapolating Chrisbees figures on the Co-Op farms he uses for his apiaries, should Down Ampney support 300 colonies, even spread across the estate, it matters little whether they are in groups of 10,20,40 or 100 - they are still on the Estate. For ITLD/Danbee to claim otherwise is tantamount to pulling the wool over our eyes and taking local beekeepers as idoits.

...Heather Honey...

I bet no mention of the 300+ colonies will end up at the Heather...for fear of agravating the other local beekeepers there too. Yes I know what ITLD will say that many of the other BFarmers will have colonies from outside the UK, but it doesn't make it right.

I quote from the BBKA again..."are against the import of queens and packages" END OF !! What part isn't clear there ? What part don't people understand ?

Nice point ITLD - though WHY any beekeepers would want a queen from your colonies at Down Ampney escapes me. OK Just go ahead guys and live with the consequences. By using queens (if they were available) from ITLD, you'd merely be perpetuating the whole Import issue !!

Oliver90Owner points out that ITLD appears to avoid answering questions is a point well argued.

GBH's point of a LACK OF CONSULTATION by the Co-Op with local Beekeepers is such a pertinent point ! I bet they wouldn't DARE now....(though I'd love to recieve a call...)

ITLD's claim that the Co-Op are ethical modern farmers...well drop the ethical. please. No they are not. They talk inclusivity, co-operation and it all turns out to be PR tosh.

Hivemaker's quote from the Co-Op's website...shame they have missed out the other possible cause of colony losses - that of imported bees !

Co-Op's temporary prohibition of neonicotinoid pesticides on own brand fresh produce..then in post 578, ITLD says that 90% of the produce at Tillington ends up in Tesco, who aren't exactly known for their does one extrapolate from that 'we don't use neonicotinoids on our fresh produce but if it is for other buyers, then it's open season' ??!

3124 units of bees coming into the least...what a total disaster...and perhaps covering up the total losses UK beefarmers are experiencing every year.....

PeteinWilts - most of the dodgy charcaters are probably not in the other forum..actually I suspect they keep their activities well under the radar and are unlikely to dash across the open, even on here ! They are even more secretive than Bird of Prey fanciers (I jest !)

Hombre - how many of us have unintentionally bought bees form imported stock ? Who knows ? there is NO indication on nucs and queens nor any requirement from the BBKA/BIBBA/BFA/DEFRA...perhaps there should be ?

ITLD's suggestion that no one person in the Co-Op knows what is truely going on...If I was the Chief Executive I'd be very very concerned....

So, all in all, some very positive comments, but also the smoke and mirrors continues..

I like the idea of the forum clubbing together for a communique to the Co-Op. I think an appraoch to the BBKA is also required, Ron, and a few members of the media.


I like the idea of the forum clubbing together for a communique to the Co-Op. I think an appraoch to the BBKA is also required, Ron, and a few members of the media.



Could we not approach Mr Turnbull? Maybe a case of wheels within wheels?:)
I am wondering at some of the posting now.

This business of not gong to the Heather? Why on earth not? There are hundreds of square miles of the stuff and with decent transport a lot of it is available to those who are equipped for it.

By that I mean much of it is out of reach with normal car type transport but with powerful four wheel drive it is another matter.

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You need to click on "like" first before you can post.... ho hum.

Took me a few to figure that one out, seems a bit twisted but there you are...LOL

No idea how that lot works,but are the Coop also on the twittering tweeting thing.
Somerford - it appears that you're living in a bubble big enough to contain your ego and kept inflated by your own hot air. Good luck to you :)

So I see the campaign continues, as does the shouting-down. I don't know quite why I'd have anything to hide, but to sling mud regardless of any basis in fact is your preferred style, isn't it? You say I can't take criticism of my methods when all I have done is asked questions and asked for some balance to what started as an ill-informed witch-hunt.

Last time I checked I wasn't importing queens from NZ, working with the Coop, nor managing apiaries near Swindon, so I don't know how you think I'm complicit. You portray a belief that all commercial beekeeping is grubby, borderline-illegal, and exploitative, and stoop immediately to personal slurs when somebody tries to present a more balanced, factual, or simply different view.

What puzzles me is that you are so worked up about this one issue. There have apparently been commercially managed bees on that site in equivalent or greater numbers for many years, and the rest of the local Swindon bees must surely be genetically diverse, particularly with an influx of new beekeepers taking whatever they can get from UK suppliers. Time and again your argument comes back to how unethical the coop is being, and how you're going to make them suffer until they do as you say. Remind me: who is it who has control issues?

I'd like to see the letter that is submitted because I'd like to see what has been decided as the key points and the underlying facts & criticisms. If it's sent in on behalf of the forum, then all members are being represented, so it's a courtesy to post. If it's sent in by a bunch of individuals, fine, you have a right to keep it private, but to quote your own fair hand "what have you got to hide?" :)

I would strongly suggest it's better not to formulate the letter on this thread as to do so would only prolong the agony of the past sixty pages... :banghead:
Having followed this debate I would have to say that I am not too keen on a letter to the Co-op being sent from the entire forum. I have found some of the comments to be rather less than well considered and some of the attacks to be just a little too personal. People are entitled to their views but they should not try to force them upon others or to assume that other forumers agree with them because of their silence on the matter.
I am pleased to see that in the past "few" pages some of the posters seem to have let go of the emotional element and are now seeming to engage in a more rational debate.

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