Hornet Identification

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New Bee
Aug 5, 2010
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Can somebody please confirm this is a European Hornet and not an Asian.


I noticed a nest in our eves tonight and captured this one in our bedroom :rolleyes:
Thanks for the quick answer.
From the 2 links you posted looks more like European to me. No yellow feet not that black on the thorax mostly yellow/brown colour.
Got to get rid of them tomorrow just hopped they weren’t Asian this far north (Central Brittany)
though looking at other web pictures, i think it is a European one,

The European hornets that attack my hive are orange/brown eyes but the darker eyes could just be the light
Got to get rid of them tomorrow

Does this mean you know where the nest is?

That should be a fairly good pointer, if you do.

I noticed a nest in our eves tonight and captured this one in our bedroom

Missed that. (Only scanned down the right side of the picture)

So it's not 15m up in the canopy of a tree. Fairly conclusive, then?

Asian Hornets don't look anything like European Hornets, it really isn't possible to confuse them, trust me on this.

Queen Asian Hornet starting nest.

Good question and as always the answer is a simple one - because they don't always make their nest high in trees although that is their favoured place.

I've seen them in all manner of places including a large barrel standing on the ground but always where they can "hang free" unlike the European Hornet that prefers a cavity or a corner where they can attach the nest using several points and protected from rainfall.

Oh, and thanks Tony, most of the photos I have are when they are dead.

Because it's a tree house.
Obviously. :biggrinjester:
rbaz - European without a doubt. My avatar is an Asian hornet, stay vigilant they have been found in Paris!!

Re nest under the eaves. The queen Asian hornet will build a small nest anywhere and rear workers. As soon as numbers are sufficient they move and make a primary nest usually 15 - 25m up in a tree. By the end of the season this second nest can be as big 1m x 60cm.

In our area the Mayor calls in the local "Chasse" (hunters) and 3 or 4 of them armed with shotguns deal with any nests found. A case of 1,2,3, fire - then run like H**L:biggrinjester: