Definitely the best outlets I've found. The first butcher we supplied instantly offered to stock and sell our honey when he found out about the bees, he never marked it up either.
Shipping / transportation for Chinese goods is usually very cheap from China.The wages are very low in China for beekeepers so it could depend on the percentage of honey in it from China perhaps?
How?These days jar of multifloral honey of 900 grams in one trade center is 3,71 euros.. Origin altogether in same label - Croatia, Ukraine and China. Calculating cost of transport, labels, jars and manipulations - how? I will never believe it is real honey.. Plain simple example of ..
Glad you are OK Podilia ... we watch the war with continuing horror and there seems little chance of any early end to it whilst the madman Putin is still in power. Our thoughts and good wishes are with you. The mainstream media has been distracted recently by what is going on in Gaza but if you dig into the internet the horrors that you are facing are clear to see, I would imagine that the price of honey is the least of your problems at present.How?
Don't know about China, but here the best price is 1.07 Є/kg, if you have at least 1 ton (2205 lb). The buyers take samples and control the product according to the EU standarts. They say the analysis is very expensive. If you have some problems such as high water percentage, antibiotics, etc. (don't know all the terms in English) the price falls down significantly... Now we are struggling but it's nothing compare to the fact that many probably will not see their bees because of the new large military mobilization. (Please, everyone pray this nightmare to end up).
As for sugar or syrup - sugar costs almost the same money as pure honey, so no reasons to make mix or something, you win nothing but at risk to spoil your product. We even don't feed bees for winter. But I don't know what they do with our honey after they buy it and sell to the companies in Poland or Germany.