Simply replying to the negative post from the newly joined member.
I was simply pointing out the new posters on here simply using the site as an advertising space, while many regular posters do not do that (they follow the rules). They lose out to the apparently often 'innocent' but (we find) commercial advertisers. If the rules were 'relaxed' there would be a free for all. The commercial advertisers getting free advertising, knowing there is a large audience. It would soon deteriorate to no better than continual spammers.
Just check back and you will find my initial response was good advice - that of contacting the LBKA - for a legitimate enquirer, and even Adam gave the same advice, but it seems to have emerged that post #1 was less than candid and post #2 looked to me to sidestep the 'coincidence', then we have lezzul coming along and sticking his/her oar in, suggesting the forum should be open to one and any advertisers and that it seems that beekeepers in general are unhelpful. I don't happen to like that. If that person had bothered to look through the previous postings they might have seen the huge majority of postings helping and assisting new beeks with the craft.
Plain, clear, unambiguous language is, by far, least likely to be misunderstood and/or conveniently ignored.