Hives Stolen

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Steve K

New Bee
Feb 23, 2011
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Hi All. Just to let you know that I have had some hives stolen from the Wing area in Bucks.
I had 9 (3 nationals and 6 commercials) in a field with locked gate, someone has broken in and taken the 3 nationals. Bees equipment and honey.
All the boxes were painted brown,white,yellow,blue and green.
So if any one see's them about in this area I would appriciate the nod.

You cannot be to careful at the moment.
I am sorry to hear of that.

There is a beekeeper who is a thief and who probably only operates National hives.
I am sorry to hear of that.

There is a beekeeper who is a thief and who probably only operates National hives.

Given that only the nat's were taken your assumption is probably correct, however some folk appear to see hives in a field(?) fair game and a source of free honey and fire wood before they move on!
Steve K

I understand three have also gone this week from near the M1 Motorway at Friars Wash/ Flamsted area together with quanties of Brood filled frames (brood frames replaced with foundation !!!!)

We have also lost some Nucs at London Colney M25 junction

(ps i went to school in Dunstable and lived in the old school house in Caddington)
Reading this sort of stuff gets me annoyed, beekeepers should be looking out for each other not stealing other peoples products/equipment cause they fail to look after there own. Soon its going to get so bad youll have to start padlocking each section to the hives together with padlocks then bolting the base into a concrete floor from inside :p. That surely wouldnt be worth there time aggrevating the bee's and getting no where.
I live in Wing. I noticed that some hives had disappeared. Saw a red van down there a few weeks back. PM me.
I'm in Chinnor, Oxfordshire. Will keep an eye open out this way.

Well it just has to be another beek doing this. How utterly despicable. This is like stealing another man's/woman's work tools. It used to be punishable by death. Hopefully this low life will be caught, then we must publish the persons face everywhere,:cuss::rant::rant: just like they do with other threatening characters who fill us all with disgust and loathing.
if caught, it would be nice to 'encourage' beekeepers that are thieves to practice 'naked beekeeping' ... at night and without a smoker!

... I can't think what laws would be broken.
Probably sat at home reading this thread laughing his nuts off. (I'd like to do something with his nuts and then I'd bee laughing) Probably doesn't have a birth certificate either!
to have a birth certificate just means that the parents gave 'ownership' of the child to the state ( it's why the state can take children away from parents )

same as when you register a car with DVLA, suddenly you are changed from the 'owner' to the 'keeper' of the vehicle.

oops, going off thread!!
to have a birth certificate just means that the parents gave 'ownership' of the child to the state ( it's why the state can take children away from parents )

same as when you register a car with DVLA, suddenly you are changed from the 'owner' to the 'keeper' of the vehicle.

oops, going off thread!!

I think you get my drift though
When you open up our country to the world what do you expect, our old rules no longer apply?
Hi Oldmatty

Sorry that I haven't replied before now but I have not been on this site for quite a while.
I was the one who posted about 3 hives stolen in the Wing area.
You said that you saw a red van down that way, it was probably me I have a red pickup.

Thanks anyway
PS Cann't wait to get started this season.
Thanks again

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