Hive Records question

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Me too ....

But I know at least one beekeeper whose records extend only to when he has used any treatments on them or changed the queen. The rest of the time a brick on the top of the hive and whether is is upright, horizontal, on one side or upside down tells him everything he needs to know about the state of the hive ...

Me ? I'd forget what each state of the brick meant !

I hesitate to show you my records ... they are pretty minimal and are basically a reminder of when I inspected, what I need to do and whether I've noticed any problems.
Fine unless you’ve got a stupid pitched roof. You know, the one you buy when you’re new ‘cos you think it looks nice or authentic but soon realise it’s a PITA!
I name the hives rather than the queens, but then I only have three (Bag End, Crickhollow and Brandy Hall ☺. Bag End is doomed sadly, but I'll keep the name when I can replace the colony). I have basic record cards under the lids, and I write notes in my diary after each inspection. My memory's a sieve.
Fine unless you’ve got a stupid pitched roof. You know, the one you buy when you’re new ‘cos you think it looks nice or authentic but soon realise it’s a PITA!
Or in my case .... made a long hive with one .... even more stupid !

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