Hive #1 - advice please

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Drone Bee
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Wilts
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Lots and lots
Hi Guys

I have had many ups and downs with my first hive this year (Thanks for all the advice!) but have another question.

My 1st Hive has a queen and new bees are now on the scene (finally!). However, they do not seem to be drawing frame.

They seem to be concentrating on using the original frames for stores and egg laying only occurs on brace comb.

I removed the crown board a little over a week ago and have placed the brace comb straight onto the frames as the brace comb they built was in the roof space.
I was hoping the larvae in the brace comb would hatch and empty and they would focus on the frames.... unfortunately not. They are just reusing the comb that is on top of the frames.

I did wonder if the lack of drawing was due to the age of the bees... because of the troubles they are all very old or very young.

I am also concerned that now I am having a surge of very young bees that are not yet harvesting, and with the crappy weather that the stores may empty pretty fast.

Is there any food I can give them to encourage drawing and what type of food should I feed them to top up there existing supplies?

Any thoughts or advice would be greatfully welcome.
I would feed them a pound of sugar to a pint of water syrup. I would not faddle around with the brace comb but dump it, and stop them getting access to what ever space they are building it in.

Good advice from PH !

Get a kilo of feed on and get them drawing comb.

Dont worry about the age of the bees as they can turn back their body clock and start to produce wax again if there are not enough young bee's.
thanks guys!

I will make sure they abide by the rules!!