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New Bee
Jun 2, 2014
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I have a bee-related problem.
Not honey-bees, but white-talied bumble bees.
They are nesting under the tiles of my roof, going in under the eaves. Unlike some bumble bees, these are a species which nest in similar fashion to honey bees, in a hive-type arrangement.
Though not a beekeeper, I am keen on nature and wildlife and don't want to disturb them if it's not necessary, but I am not sure if they are likely to do any damage in the process of nesting there. Does anyone know if it's safe - for the house, not me! - to leave them be. (excuse the pun!)
Leave them alone.. They die off at the end of the summer. They dont build comb or collect honey like honey bees do.
Unlike some bumble bees, these are a species which nest in similar fashion to honey bees, in a hive-type arrangement.

I suspect you may be mixing up bumble bees and solitary bees. Solitary bees make individual nests; all bumble bees form colonies, but the colonies only last one summer. Neither will cause you any problems.
yes,agree leave, they are the french tree bumble Bee that recently got to the uk ,/they will die outby August once they make new queens to hibernate over winter

The mass of bees flying outside that you often seeing zig zaging up and down are the stingless male bumble bees waiting for the virgin queens,

The Tree bumblebees nest size is about 200 bumblebees, a tablespoon of honey ,sting only if disturbed (vibration) and the nest does not last through winter

Compare that to a colony of honey bees that can have 70,000 honeybees inside with 50lbs of honeyandmaintain their nest at between 20c to 34c all winter
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A great big thanks to you all.
As I hoped and suspected, I can and will leave them to do their thing.