Help -- advice for bad back!!

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Now to work out which one to try!
Avoid chiropractor until you know what exactly is wrong with your back.
I had a slipped disc a few years ago and my GP referred me straight to the hospital physoptherapy department helpline - they immediately posted me instructions for some low impact exercises and light duties at work that helped, then a consultation at my local hospital helped further. Unfortunately due to pressure from work I went on to normal duties and within a year things got bad again (not as bad as the slipped disc though) and after MRI scans etc they discovered one disc prolapsed almost totally gone and another three not looking good. They told me in no uncertain terms that chirporacy would finish me off, and even too much physio could cause further damage.
I'm still OK to work on hives and lift weights, but have to be careful. A permanent mixture of anti inflammatories and paracetamol (all prescribed) also helps :D
My brother went to a chiropractor for months with his bad back but to no avail. Eventually went to his GP and an X ray revealed he had multiple myeloma.
My brother went to a chiropractor for months with his bad back but to no avail. Eventually went to his GP and an X ray revealed he had multiple myeloma.

For every story as above, I can give several where I know of colleagues (and I have as well) who have referred patients who come to them FROM the GP, BACK to the GP with instructions to investigate for particular issues eg lymphoma, myeloma, sarcoma, kidney issues, liver issues which were missed by the GP.......
IMO if I have a patient who is not responding to treatment within 3 sessions then I make sure they are referred for further investigations.

As mentioned previously - there are good and bad practitioners in every discipline, the best bet is to go to someone via a personnel recommendation.

Good luck!
Hi I really sympathise, I slipped a disc a few years ago over Christmas and could barely stand, and often ended up on the floor unable to move. I got some pain killers (tramadol and diazapam) and exercises from the out of hours GP service.

These on the NHS website cover some of the exercises:

Once I was slightly on the mend I got the GP to refer me to a physio, and got a series of exercises to strengthen my core muscles which hold the spine in place. I strongly recommend you try and get some physio to stop it happening again. The exercises are a bit odd as they focus on working your muscles at about 50% of their max, this works the core muscles, anything over that works the main strength muscles which doesn't help a bad back.

Good luck

:iagree: do that before trying some snake oil salesman - as I said I was willing to try anything - but chiropracy or even high impact physio would have caused more damage, luckily I mentioned it before i went