Happy New Year!!

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Happy new Year to ALL members of the forum & their loved ones best wishes from the east coast.

(John, we liked the wolf in sheeps clothing!)

What the hell is it happy for , the government screwing us, we're facing one of the biggest economic crisis in living memory, chemical companies are killing our bees and the governing body of bees is taking bribes form the chemcial companies..

Its a MIRICLE we need....

Busy Bee

Should that not be 'Allegedly' on a public forum?;)
A very happy happy new year to one and all. It's already fantastic and it will get better.
Happy New Year to everyone. A big thankyou for the help support and advice this year.
************HAPPY NEW YEAR*************

And what a hang over i have, the room has only just stopped spinning.
After 1/2 bottle of red plonk followed by almost 3/4 bottle of famous grouse whisky, I was a lot better than I deserved to be at 09:30hrs this morning .

John Wilkinson
Are you sure you aren't looking at them through the bottom of a bottle ?:D

John Wilkinson
My first attempt at getting up resulted in me getting back to bed asap and trying to think of anything other than the room spinning.This was about 9am. Next attempt about 11am ,i made it to the bathroom to splash some water on me face and rinse my mouth out and straight back to bed again.But i was up by midday cooking roast, well that's not quiet true .I peeled the spuds while my partner carried on doing the cooking and i decked out on the sofa.But i did wash up .
Happy new year

Happy New Year 2011 to everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!