Translation please
Happy new year to you
and to all in the house
That is my resolution
to sing the new year in.
Happy new year to you
here we are - joyful
behold, the year has come
the best year there's ever been
O, here's the wonderful year x 3
The happy new year.
raise the family
light the fire
go to the well to fetch clean water
O, here's the wonderful year x 3
The happy new year.
like 'first footing' we were welcome to go around the houses signing the new year in from midnight to New year's day. We used to get paid Calennig (New year's gift) by those that answered the door - the largest gift (Usually cash) was given to the first ones to sing, light haired children (or gingers) are never really welcomed, and girls singing were frowned upon.
My late cousin Alun and would sit down for days planning our route, always targetting the houses known to be generous (and holding parties) as close to midnight as possible - pubs and clubs were always a good bet as well and you would get fighting around midnight to decide the first ones up.
One year (around 1981 I think) I earned more in a night's singing than my father, a much sought after carpenter, earned in a week.
The tradition has more or less died out now - the last ones I heard around here was probably ten years or so ago.