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midnight sun

Field Bee
Jun 25, 2012
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As it's January, and hormones are a little high in everyone it seems. (including me), there seems to be a lot of falling out. (again)
Would it be a good idea to issue all new members with a free 'forum handbag' for these frequent events?
Any chance of a new smiley to encompass this, as it could help diffuse some situations (LOL)
Mind you there may be arguments about who has the nicest handbag then!!
I haven't seen any falling out ? Bit of friendly banter as far as I can see ... there are always going to be differing opinions but things have got much hotter under the collar in the past without the need for weapons...
As it's January, and hormones are a little high in everyone it seems. (including me), there seems to be a lot of falling out. (again)
Would it be a good idea to issue all new members with a free 'forum handbag' for these frequent events?
Any chance of a new smiley to encompass this, as it could help diffuse some situations (LOL)
Mind you there may be arguments about who has the nicest handbag then!!

Have I missed all the fun, again?
I too thought that it had been quite good humoured this winter!
It's namby pamby softies like you, JBM, that are turning the Forum into a place for woosies.

Putting the brick in a sock! Whatever next?


well the minumum padding provided by a well work sock (that is a sock that's been worn for some time - not one showing excessive wear) is negated by the fact if you use a proper long uniform sock with the half brich in the toe, holding said sock by the open end you can get quite a bit of momentum going if you swing it properly thus giving you a nice robust contact - the 'softening' also prevents extensive bruising (harking back to my custody officer training now) and gaping wounds - thus saving the much beleagured NHS some more cash by avoiding a visit to casuality.
I think I'll stand for Prime Minister now.
On another forum I frequent, a member kindly offered to break my legs with an iron bar. While flattered by his kind offer I graciously declined as I find my unbroken legs quite useful and adequate for most everyday tasks I partake in except those that require reaching objects on high shelves.
I guess ive fell out with a couple already but hey, the world is full of gobshites so i guess i can put up with a few on a forum, especially ones that now only wear one sock.
Mind you there may be arguments about who has the nicest handbag then!!

I must have missed the other arguments, but I can solve this one :troll:

I have the best. Brown Texier over the shoulder "manbag" although I call it a handbag.
My wife never fails to remind me that it cost more then any bag she has ever brought, and I remind her I been using it every day for nine years, far longer than any bag of hers has lasted.

I just got fed up with things wearing holes in my pockets or never having the right small tools with me.
What a load of nonsense - what's wrong with half a brick in a sock? :D

There's Welsh ingenuity! G'lad!
I must add, it's sad to see that the Government cutbacks have affected the Welsh Constabulary this way. The English bobbies are spoiled with their 'mace' sprays and Tasers!not worthy
On another forum I frequent, a member kindly offered to break my legs with an iron bar. While flattered by his kind offer I graciously declined as I find my unbroken legs quite useful and adequate for most everyday tasks I partake in except those that require reaching objects on high shelves.

I guess ive fell out with a couple already but hey, the world is full of gobshites so i guess i can put up with a few on a forum, especially ones that now only wear one sock.

That's the spirit! Anarchy!;)
The English bobbies are spoiled with their 'mace' sprays
Only place you should find a mace spray is in a girlie's handbag :D

When I joined the job Customs officers were not given any kind of 'weapon' to defend themselves with (apart from our erudite charm) so we were all advised to find one of the old stagers now office bound and persuade them to hand down their winter greacoats and official issue rulers (12 inch long ebony or lignum vitae rods of about an inch diameter) you never knew when you'd need to draw a straight line when out on a night docks patrol.
Now some are issued with a handy little gadget called, I believe telescopic Tw*tting sticks
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