G'day Dan and Stephen et al.
The FIBKA exams are supposed to be 'broadly' similar and in terms of eligibility to do the BBKA's modular exams, the FIBKA Preliminary is given equivalency to the BBKA Basic. I have taken advantage of that equivalency to start the modular exams (I currently need to get my finger out and start studying properly for a couple of further papers in the Spring...) I am not about to get into a debate about which system is best - only what is best for me and my reasoning thereto.
As Stephen notes, the FIBKA Intermediate exam is taught at a few regional centres and from my position that would involve a lot of travel - I already commute for over an hour into work everyday and would easily double my daily travel time if I was to do do the Intermediate at one of those centres. Whilst I am a paid up member of an association affiliated to FIBKA, travelling to do the intermediate is not presently an option.
On the other hand, I am a member of the INIB and am thus also affiliated to the BBKA. The BBKA modular system allows me to study from home and should I so desire, to enrole on a correspondence course. To echo comments elsewhere on this forum, I read and study to learn more about bees so that I am better able to assist the colonies in my care. The syllabi for the Modular system gives me a good structure to direct my learning and it presents a format against which I can test my knowledge: the possibility of attaining a qualification is a bonus. So far I have been confident enough to study by myself and got a distinction in Module 1 - the only Module attempted so far... A venue for me to sit the exam and an invigilator was organised through the INIB's Education Officer.
I was recently chatting to a chap who is studying for the FIBKA Intermediate and he told me that FIBKA have made some changes to try and bring the Intermediate more in line with the BBKA examination system. I do not know how extensive any changes were or indeed that they were specifically intended to align the two examination systems or whether that is just one person's observed side effect so please no-one go on the offensive for me recounting my conversation (or a part thereof!)....
There is some overlap between the FIBKA Intermediate and the BBKA Modules but my understanding is that it is not a complete overlap and this is a further reason I am working through the modular system. Rightly or wrongly, my perception is that the modules are more in depth and cover a wider range of issues. For those interested, it might be worthwhile comparing the relevant syllabi.
Personally, I think that in an ideal world the beekeeping examinations offered throughout the UK and Ireland should be standardised. Perhaps CONBA can act on this.
For now the BBKA modular system is ideally suited to my needs.