I care about my Bees and my Wallet too. . . Bees have cost me a fortune in 'need' this, this, that!

So after seeing the promos of the Gas Vape on YouTube etc. . .
I decided to see if I could design my own !

Primarily cheaper, and as I have several 'non conventional' Hives,
the Gas Vape was 'useful' re Butane Gas etc. BUT it didn't 'fit' my Hive requirements... Actually 'Fit' !?!
So with some thinking, several Cuppas and ordering some Cap Ends, T Junctions etc. And having Scrap (Waste) Copper Pipe to hand, I made my own version.*
My Homemade Horizontal Hive* (Langstroth uses Jumbo Deep Frames) needed a much longer Vape Tool. And my Nationals and Poly Nucs needed a shorter but non melting variant too. The Warre Hives entrances didn't mean the "Gas Vap" would work ! Doh !
So initially back of Envelope doodles : to 'how to' I purchased Copper pipe 'End Caps' and having some, I guess? Scrap Radiator,
Heating Piping, (some with Plastic covering still on it) suited my 'make my own' nothing lost, all to gain.

Initially all were Soldered when constructing, then by 'Threading' each Endpipe junction, before connecting via applied twist & turn pressure. (A bit of Solder was used only for extra oomph !) End Cap (Static) aka the 'Heated End' was attached, then was bashed with a Hammer to (bend) it 'out' of circle alignment ! Stuck likecRock.

Solder added as the connecting option in first 'prototype' But in the second versions : mainly for Belt and Braces ! And filling any 'gaps'!
Dosing Caps & all Feeder Ends were both filed 'thinner' so to be more 'lose' fitting. And by having several in use in one Treatment, meant one could be 'cooked as another cooled'. So End Caps could be removed, O/A :Filled, Heated and repeated. As Api-Bioxal has a % of Glucose within it (it being the UK's only approved Vet Med V.M O/A product.) To that of USA : using pure O/A dry Crystal's is 'approved' and doesn't Clog !
Our Vapes 'get clogged up' big time and need regular cleaning. (Guess the narrow 'Gas Vap' feeder Nozzle gets clogged quicker ?) Eeeeck.

Or in my own wider 'Pipe' version
I just 'cook' them with some heat' to burn off that residue. Wait for it to 'burn off, cool down NOT in Hive itself, but eg on a Flower Pot.

Go find my Spare, Heat that to
Api-Bioxar's Vape Temperature remit : (Sublimation into Gas.) And leave it in Hive Entrance, with damp Cloth closing of all possible 'Gasing Fumes. Do wear full PPE and a Organic Gas approved Filitered Gas Face Mask. O/A gas is Toxic Stuff !

I add the Dosing Cap with ratio of needed Medicine mg to Hive Size. And leave in Situ.
Do another, repeat. Find former, heat to clean. Then repeat. . .
Copper Pipe T Junctions are an option, but found with Treading instead, these were nice, but an extra 'cost' to by at the Pluming Store. Guess I was lucky to have lots of 'left over' Scrap Pipe to utilise. Others may have to add that to their own 'Vape' makes.

Gas Vaping works : if you know what's required, what's occurring and that you do it safely !

Storm Isha is battering the place, so I went off to Fla, OK via YT.
Saw 'Beek Richie' show and talk about a "Jobon" pocket Butane Burner. . . OK not for O/A, but maybe a Zap of Flame might 'Clean Out' the Gas Vap Nozzle good and proper ! Jabon (Flame Burner)

Seen on Amazon etc. Pocket friendly Price wise too.