Frame of eggs & mixed brood

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House Bee
Sep 20, 2010
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I wish to donate a mixed frame of eggs and brood to a queenless colony... I need to transport this from one site to another which is aproximately 2 miles, How long can a frame of eggs & brood be out of a hive before their viability is comprimised (considering that the frame will be transported in a poly nuc)?
We have successfully done this by:

Small cloth double thick in bottom of nuc to cover all floor, particularly if OMF.

Hot water bottle on top

Lid on to start to build temperature inside.

Take to site

Frame in

Cloth draped over frame and hot water bottle to allow warm riding air around.

Drive, get your OH to put it on her lap to prevent falling over.

Eggs can be sent by post so are pretty robust. Wrap a dampish teatowel around the frame, support upright and drive...

...probably take no longer than grafting for most :)
Eggs can be sent by post so are pretty robust. Wrap a dampish teatowel around the frame, support upright and drive...

...probably take no longer than grafting for most :)

Why dampish?

Evaporation cools ???
Drying out is worse than cooling.

For the op. Wrap in a towel and move them. Nothing else is needed.

I would say you're OK. 2 miles is fine unless you were walking with it.

If you're concerned, put a house-brick in a sink of warm/hot water first and put that in the bottom of the polynuc. It will add warmth and the dampness that you'll find in a hive.
Thanks for the advice, will give it a bash