Finman, let`s say you`ve got 5 days of rain before your first measurement, and your hive weighs 50 kg. Let`s say the ripen honey has 82 % density. Let`s imagine that bees bring the same amount of nectar every day of the same density of 15% just to simplify calculation and the idea that I want to explain.( here you can see already some factors I mentioned before(weather, nectar density etc.), that can complicate everything ). I.e.The next day your hive weighs 57 kg.
As soon as nectar is in the hive, it starts ripen, evaporating water and essential oils…Here we skip essential oils weight as another factor, as I did not see any doc. that would consider weight loss of honey via oils evaporation
If we take 5 days as a correct figure for ripening (I`m not sure about that as I`ve got it from a documentary movie about bees
), than we lose daily about 20% of weight of that water( at least- water
) that constitutes the difference between 82% honey and 15% nectar
5 days – 100%
1 day – X %
The difference is:
Thus 20% of 67% is:
67- 100%
X -20%
X=20x67/100 = 13,4%
That`s a daily percentage loss of mass of a brought nectar.
1)So, for the first day we lose 13,4% of 7kg, which is:
X =7x13,4/100 =0,938kg
2)Thus on a second day in an early morning our hive weighs about
Bees bring another 7kg of nectar, and we get
Now, we should calculate 13,4% out of 13,062kg as this is a new surplus figure exposed to evaporation:
3) Day 3 early morning:
The whole surplus for 3 days is:
But it`s not a honey surplus, as the honey surplus for 3 days would be 6,93kg :
(7x3) =21kg
X-67%( moisture that must leave)
X=21x67/100 =14,07( that`s a water loss)
21-14,07=6,93kg honey
Compare this two figures: 18,32 kg and 6,93kg…It`s 11,39kg difference. It`s just to show an example of how wrong conclusions could be in a given circumstances relying on a simple weighing. If we take on account those factor that we whether skipped or did not enter, one can imagine now how difficult the surplus evaluation could be. It`s like a rocket science
But some are pretty good in rocket science though
Not me, of course