Oh wow. I forgot about the flow hive. I remember the controversy and interesting reading on here a while back. How did they turn out? Naff as expected?
Naff maybe (?)
But sometimes a Hive that's 'outside the box' concept, sorry for the Pun, can be a good Hive for those who are Disabled, the Infirm. Those needing an 'all in one' for Keeping/Storing/Harvesting Bees & their Honey. eg Kids at School wanting to study Nature up close. A Local Community Garden or Allotments wanting 'Pollination'. Those with a small Garden : who can't pertain to stacks of towering Supers. Etc, etc. . .
OK the Flow Hive is basically a (Yes, a Costly?) 'Designed Super' on a regular Langstroth Brood Box.
Even Rev Langstroth didn't invent the Hive. He 'Patented' the use of . ". . .the first movable frame beehive in America" in "1852." . . .
Hives seem to be updated, are further 'Modernised to Need' (created) eg off an Expired Patent of a similar Hive. From the last Century, (maybe even from the one before !) Nothing new really.
(Who?) : "I've" invented this really amazing new 'Hive' to keep Bees in. Its called a "Skep." Roll up roll up they are selling fast. I accept a Deposit of a Goat , or even a few Chickens ! Diner Card Accepted ?Sorry Sir, no but Dinner later, Yes
. . . The following came off the website: 'honeybeesuite.com' : from a 'Discussion' made over nine years ago !
(Relating to back when Flow Hive was 'Launched and Promoted.' This too was x9 years back in "2015.")
Thread :
"Patent for a Flow-Style Bee Hive 1940". . . a patent was granted by the U.S. Patent Office" . . .
for a Beehive that is eerily similar to the Flow Hive but is made of Metal. . . The inventor, Juan Garriga, lived in Spain & submitted the patent on August 8, 1939. The patent was approved on 3rdDec , 1940. . .
(. . .It never got to Market. . . )
The Poster also stated "Plastic" was not used / or was commonly in production. . .
A Google search shows : "Plastic Injection Molding" began in
1872 when the first molding machine was invented and patented to make "Buttons, Combs." Etc. . .
Despite Plastic Injection Molding being invented back then, the modern Flow Hive could not of been made or produced I guess, because of Filed 'Patents' ???
(Nonetheless, China have made a knock-off called the "Auto Hive." So patents don't seem to stop them !)
Guess the "Wheel" gets 'invented' and then 'replicated' in different designs. But basically does the same thing !
. . . Moving Stone Monoliths, a Roman in his Chariot, even Elon Musk in his Ferrari. . .
I'll stop before this 'Thread' unravels even more.
I got an 'AutoHive' Keyed Frame, bundled amongst some Langstroth Boxes, from a Bee Association 'Ad.'
It's frankly a bit of a 'gimmick' and complicated to sort if any part fails or breaks (!) Genuine Honey Comb, Bee Knowledge and Understanding is well worth the price. Even Priceless. . . But some want 'Honey' Now ! Throw their Money at the Instant hit the Flow or Auto Hive 'Offers' but rarely 'provide.'
Bees still need to be kept and looked after. . . Otherwise its a Bee Super Box of 'plastic parts and dead bees'.