New Bee
Managed to make my first ever split,
After losing hives over winter thought I would attempt my first Split from my remaining hives
Took 1 frame of storms from one hive and 1 frame of droid from two other hives (3 frames in total) left 7 days knocked back and queen cells
Added a queen from black mountain honey - left 6 days before releasing - Quick Look today queen is out and moving well - eggs in hive
Well happy
After losing hives over winter thought I would attempt my first Split from my remaining hives
Took 1 frame of storms from one hive and 1 frame of droid from two other hives (3 frames in total) left 7 days knocked back and queen cells
Added a queen from black mountain honey - left 6 days before releasing - Quick Look today queen is out and moving well - eggs in hive
Well happy