First adult sting, Have I reacted?

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Drone Bee
Sep 6, 2015
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Hi there,

Its me again Sorry.

Day two as a beekeeper! Stupidly trying to take pictures of the pollen going in without my gloves on and got stung on the hand.

I was sweaty for about half and hour and I feel a bit spacey with a dry throat.

Is this a slight reaction? The wife is keeping an eye on my in case I conk out!

No swelling, hives or swollen lips. The sting site hasn't come up.
Hi there,

Its me again Sorry.

Day two as a beekeeper! Stupidly trying to take pictures of the pollen going in without my gloves on and got stung on the hand.

I was sweaty for about half and hour and I feel a bit spacey with a dry throat.

Is this a slight reaction? The wife is keeping an eye on my in case I conk out!

No swelling, hives or swollen lips. The sting site hasn't come up.

Don't sound like a normal local reaction, I ain't an expert but I no redness and swelling at the sting point is normal. You may be different after next sting, but think yu could be allergic.
Interesting. Is that your first ever bee sting? It's not anaphylaxis, but an effect from a sting away from the original site of the sting is a bit suspect. Were you very nervous and expecting a reaction? That could cause you to get a bit sweaty and spacey but I would take a precaution and obtain chlorpheniramine (Piriton) and keep it in your equipment box, close to you at all times and take one under your tongue if you are stung again and also keep a mobile close and possibly not inspect when you are alone, just until you know if it was an early allergic response starting.

Are your bees rather aggressive? Mine wouldn't take any interest in me if I stood close to take photos.
Take a few bees in a jar to A&E and stick your finger in the jar?
No....seriously. Have you been stung before? If you have then this episode may herald some sensitivity. A first sting usually just primes your immune system.
Are you worried about being stung?
Could it be a panic reaction?
Maybe back to first sentence and a proper medical opinion?
I was stung as a child, but this is first adult sting. I was not worried before but I certainly was interested to see if I would react. I was also wondering if I was examining myself for a reaction and sort of over thinking it.

The bees have been ok so far. Transferred them from the Nuc yesterday with no issues.
yes, not normal but could be just anxiety and a panic attack type reaction not a reaction to the venom

how long was the sting in you? does the area now feal hard, any redness. any itching, if so use a steroid cream such as Eumovate cream available over the counter NOT a topical antihistamine cream as that can cause more problems and extend the sting site area reaction

Tablets, see if you doctor or a private on line doctor like Llyods pharma will prescribe Telfast120 ( fexofenadine hydrochloride) and take one if stung again, they are very fast acting antihistomines)
I got the sting out pretty fast. Less than ten seconds. No hardness, slight redness, no itching. Thanks guys.
Not normal no and did you scrape it out or did it get a bit of a squeeze in the heat of the moment?

Otherwise as above esp MM.

Personally I suggest to folks they get stung a couple of times before investing hard earned cash.

I scraped out with a hive tool.
Ok classic method.

As above I would suggest you have company and a phone and antihistimine next visit to be sure. You may find the next one is a non event and have a long and hopefully happy experience with your bees may turn nasty.

It may be useful to consult your GP but one can pretty much predict the conversation there. Don't do it... would be the advice me thinks....

I scraped out with a hive tool.

I had one stuck in my ear for 10 minutes last year till i could get to the car and look in the mirror and pull it out, it was painful but it past after several hours, i have also had them on my back arms and legs through clothing and they quickly go away and the same with Wasps, i suffered no ill effects, i am by no way an expert, but get yourself checked out via a Doctor or A/E as it is a life threatening problem for some, i would be concerned personally with your reaction, but do not worry it is not the end of the world yet for keeping bees.
Ok classic method.

As above I would suggest you have company and a phone and antihistimine next visit to be sure. You may find the next one is a non event and have a long and hopefully happy experience with your bees may turn nasty.

It may be useful to consult your GP but one can pretty much predict the conversation there. Don't do it... would be the advice me thinks....


Thanks. Finger crossed.
I had one stuck in my ear for 10 minutes last year till i could get to the car and look in the mirror and pull it out, it was painful but it past after several hours, i have also had them on my back arms and legs through clothing and they quickly go away and the same with Wasps, i suffered no ill effects, i am by no way an expert, but get yourself checked out via a Doctor or A/E as it is a life threatening problem for some, i would be concerned personally with your reaction, but do not worry it is not the end of the world yet for keeping bees.

Cheers. I feel better now but I guess I need to find out if I just freaked myself out or whether I am allergic.

Maybe I should get the Dr to do the allergy test if that's a thing? And get some antihistamine.
I have kept bees for 35 years, I finally stopped having reactions (bad swelling and 24 hour itching) about 5 years ago. It stopped overnight!
But the thought of getting stung still isn't easy! One bee can still make me run! Panic can be a funny thing..... However, having said that, best to err on the side of caution!
My first mentor always said that each sting would add another minute to sex so it can't all be bad! :)
Haha. Cheers E. That gets me up to 2 mins then.

I have spoken to my father who is a GP. He thinks it doesn't sound like a classical allergic reaction but I'm going to get try and get tested either way to find out for sure.

Fingers crossed I'm just a big girls blouse.

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I have kept bees for 35 years, I finally stopped having reactions (bad swelling and 24 hour itching) about 5 years ago. It stopped overnight!
But the thought of getting stung still isn't easy! One bee can still make me run! Panic can be a funny thing..... However, having said that, best to err on the side of caution!
My first mentor always said that each sting would add another minute to sex so it can't all be bad! :)
What if get stung 50 times, ? does that mean cardiac arrest is inevitable, :sorry:
Personally I suggest to folks they get stung a couple of times before investing hard earned cash.
Good advice .. especially if you are intending to use an Estate Agent

Best advice is to take someone along with you next time you go look at your bees... and even the gentlest of the little dahlings can sting if caught in an awkward spot!
Lets face it so called aggressive bees make the beekeeper more cautious... my own are perfectly well behaved being Native Black Cornish Amm !!!

Any sting is not funny:sorry:

Nos da
I handled bees last season probably badly but unfortunately didn't get zapped. Too late now anyway!

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I'd carry any medications necessary to ensure your safety. I'd possibly speak to a doctor and take their suggestions. It will help with you in the long run with your bee keeping.

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