First adult sting, Have I reacted?

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No, that's an interesting question, but no tick bites (or any other bites) that I'm aware of, nor have I been walking anywhere particularly wild and woolly.
Thanks for the thought, could have been a significant clue!
? not exactly.

They can be deadly if administered inappropriately, ie when NOT REQUIRED. :beatdeadhorse5:

Looking at the epipen video on YouTube they look deadly anyway - I'd think twice about sticking a needle like that into a horse. No danger of me self-administering it gratuitously.
No, that's an interesting question, but no tick bites (or any other bites) that I'm aware of, nor have I been walking anywhere particularly wild and woolly.
Thanks for the thought, could have been a significant clue!

A few years ago my OH complained of a pain at the back of his thigh...he thought he had a scratch or something....there was a tick in all its glory...a big one too. I dripped some nail polish remover on it and out it came. He had only been in the garden and walking the dogs in the park nearby. We used to find them on the dogs after they had been walked there too.
? not exactly.

They can be deadly if administered inappropriately, ie when NOT REQUIRED. :beatdeadhorse5:

As an Professor in Allergy's he was saying that he had lost count of the number of times people rang him having an allergic reaction but were afraid to use the pen or had left it at home.

I don't think he was advocating using it to see if one could run the 100m faster.
Even though I no longer react to a bee sting more than if I have been bitten by a mozzie, in fact I react more to the nettles I walk through when at my bee sites than I do to a sting now, I still have my epi pens with me.

I keep them in my beekeeping box right next to my mobile and I let anyone I know that is going to be with me where they are and how they will need to be used if needed.

I will still get them on prescription each year and I use the out of date ones to show people how to use them and what it feels like to set one off into flesh by using an uncooked leg or shoulder of pork for them to fire it into as if its my leg. they are usually surprised at how much it jolts when the needle is fired in.
No, that's an interesting question, but no tick bites (or any other bites) that I'm aware of, nor have I been walking anywhere particularly wild and woolly.
Thanks for the thought, could have been a significant clue!

We pick up ticks in our garden, thanks to wandering deer and other mammals.

I hope you can get bee venom desensitisation treatment started very soon, DP is an excellent example of how well it works. :)
We pick up ticks in our garden, thanks to wandering deer and other mammals.

I hope you can get bee venom desensitisation treatment started very soon, DP is an excellent example of how well it works. :)

I just wish they were so good with my back.
Oh dear, you have my sympathy re back. TENS machine keeps me going.
Really good to follow the course of your desensitisation, thank you, it gives me a glimmer of hope, will see what they say if the referral goes through.
Oh dear, you have my sympathy re back. TENS machine keeps me going.
Really good to follow the course of your desensitisation, thank you, it gives me a glimmer of hope, will see what they say if the referral goes through.

Zomorph, cocodamol, gabapentin and naproxen are what keep me going a total of 24 tablets a day. tens machine didn't work for me.
Zomorph, cocodamol, gabapentin and naproxen are what keep me going a total of 24 tablets a day. tens machine didn't work for me.

Really sorry, it must be unbearable to have to take all that junk! Might be worth getting a good physio with an understanding of nerve pathways to try the TENS machine with you. Once it hits the spot it's effective and no toxins! Best one I got (amazingly) was Sanitas from Lidl or Amazon, and I only use one channel. (Sorry everyone else, a bit off topic but important!)
Zomorph, cocodamol, gabapentin and naproxen are what keep me going a total of 24 tablets a day. tens machine didn't work for me.

Cripes - I'm fortunate I can get by most of the time with just Naproxen the odd shovelful of Paracetamol as a topup. Washed down with omeprazole to stop my stomach rotting of course (essential as I started developing an intolerance to gin!!!)
Cripes - I'm fortunate I can get by most of the time with just Naproxen the odd shovelful of Paracetamol as a topup. Washed down with omeprazole to stop my stomach rotting of course (essential as I started developing an intolerance to gin!!!)
Lol whats gin not allowed to drink on zomorph.

Im waiting to have my discs replaced but that could be months even tho the nhs are sending me to the nuffield.

I was referred for a guided epidural in feb still waiting for appointment!!!

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