Elation and then dismay...
Sorry to hear the news, Guy.
They usually recommend shook swarming if the colony infection is less than 20%; above that it becomes destruction. Trick is to feed and build the shook swarms before wasps and robbers become active.
Me too... sad and harsh.. best to destroy them
Apiary last inspection over three weeks ago, one colony had dwindled away, intention was to replace with a nuc that was earmarked for that site, so empty hive left with frames in left in place.
Elation as noticed a lot of bees taking in pollen into the once empty hive... a swarm had moved in
We made this the first colony to be inspected by SBI... first frame with brood looked very much like sack brood, but a bit gloopy.... tested for EFB with LFD.. POSITIVE
looked further through the colony to find an unclipped and blue marked queen.
Apiary notes showed all queens seen at my last inspection.. light green and clipped( decided to clip all the queens in this apiary as had a helper with me)
Checked all other colonys.. queens seen and all ok.
Just got in from treating the unwelcome swarm with a good dose of petrol.... after driving 20 miles to a swarm call near to another of my apiary sites to find a "Master" beekeeper already attempting to bag them!!!
Will destroy frames in a fire pit tomorrow.
Shook swarm for EFB is not the way forward.
Now have a standstill notice and the probability of having the SBI with me for a few weeks to check the remaining 150 colonies.
And we have a clown in the area selling swarms he has captured for £100.
Words fail me
Chons da