Eco solution for keeping rodents away from hives

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My senior Red Tabby has never bought any thing home and doesn't venture much out of the back garden.
My new female calico torty is a little minx and a hunter, she often brings live small rodents in to the hosue to chase and play with.
My senior Red Tabby has never bought any thing home and doesn't venture much out of the back garden.
My new female calico torty is a little minx and a hunter, she often brings live small rodents in to the hosue to chase and play with.
Many years ago we had a cat that produced a litter of kittens among some sacks in the loft of an outbuilding. When they were a couple of days old she caught a fully grown rabbit and hauled it up a ladder for them. Needless to say it slowly went rotten and I had to remove it and throw it into the greenhouse boiler fire.
I read that all your cats are active. Why is mine so lazy and never say him hunting or never brought me a mouse at home. :rolleyes:

Still no more signs of rodents near hives. The spray has a great effect.
Hey guys,

I would like to tell you about this mouse repellent spray from Amazon that helped me get rid of rats. It's a great alternative to regular poisons that keep bees safe and deters rodents.

One night at the beginning of September, I observed a few rats near my hives. The next morning, I found chewed-up combs. I don't know why they appeared on my property. I always try to keep it clean, and I don't leave any food scraps or something like that around.

I've built a raised platform for each hive to avoid to avoid unwanted mouse entry, wax destruction, etc. But this didn't lose their interest because I still continued to notice them.

My wife ordered this spray, which is made from natural ingredients. I started to apply it on hives every 3 days. It has a peppermint fragrance and is non-toxic to the environment, keeping my bees safe. I started to see results within the first week: no more signs of rats near my hives and no disturbance for my bees.
I have also used this product before, It is effective. I recommend
I’ve always had cats but my last one died just before I moved to wales. I do miss one but never got another. The nesting birds are grateful.
Yip. I love my cat to bits, he such a character and so affectionate and protective with my 15 month old son but I'll never have another cat after he goes for what they do to birds. I'd never find one like him again anyway
We went in holiday for a weekend and our neighbour fed our cat. She found the head of a rabbit in the kitchen so spent the next two days cleaning the house trying to find the rest of it! Didn't like to tell her the head was all the cat wouldn't eat😃😃😃
Our ginger tom used to leave just the hind feet! I gave him a mouse from the shed trap once, he turned his nose up, walked off, and half an hour later brought me a big male rat and dumped it at my feet! One Christmas he ran off with the frozen turkey, still in it's wrapper, off down the garden to munch at his leisure.
Ours have brought in dead mice rats and a squirrel, but also live sparrows, pigeons and a squirrel! God knows how they get them through the catflap!
We had one that seemed to specialise in moles and the latest keeps picking off stoats.

She somehow managed to jam a mouse beneath the carpet under my dad's chair a couple of months ago.

It stank the front room out and we turned the place upside down moving furniture before we found the poor little sod:ROFLMAO:
One of our cats brought in a pheasant nest complete with chicks a few years back. Over the last few days though, it's been rabbits, which I'm not entirely unhappy about given that they've been exploring the veggie plot over the last few weeks.

I’ve seen our hens dispatch rats, a quick flick of the head and then they share the spoils!
I’ve seen our hens dispatch rats, a quick flick of the head and then they share the spoils!
Yeah it's quite the eye opener.

They always put me in mind of the Compsognathus from Jurassic Park after witnessing the same thing.

Or mini Velociraptors, given all the batterings the cockeralls gave me as a child.
I always had cats...sometimes a few and al apart from two were rescues....Miss having one, but being able to enjoy all the wonderful largely unmolested birds in the garden more than makes up for it