I’ll be starting queen rearing in next 2 weeks. This year I’ve put extra drone comb (foundationless frame or drone super) in selected colonies ahead of queen rearing, so more of my mature drones from mothers with good characteristics will be near to my mating Nucs. I plan to queen rear from a colony that’s unrelated to the extra good drones.
Curious to hear from experienced queen rearers who ‘flood’ drones near to their mating apiaries, what density of drone producers you use? What ratio of drone producers to mating Nucs and how much drone comb you add? Any evidence/ options, to what extent this actually works, where your mating apiary is not isolated from other beekeepers?
Curious to hear from experienced queen rearers who ‘flood’ drones near to their mating apiaries, what density of drone producers you use? What ratio of drone producers to mating Nucs and how much drone comb you add? Any evidence/ options, to what extent this actually works, where your mating apiary is not isolated from other beekeepers?