Goran, I think I understand you. If so, is that very similar to a Demaree operation?
It is simmilar. But I do that to all colonies before any goes to swarming mood. The goal is to have strong colony in time when it has to be ( to have a lot of young bees to take nectar from foragers), and still to don't swarm.
For me simpliest solution when some colony is measuring branches around, to " release a blood" to it. That means if is before my main forage, I take 2 frames of brood, 2 frames of food with bees on them and a queen and take 3km away for couple weeks. In colony which stay at place I leave 2 qcells. That way swarming mood stops and bees again are in harvest mode. I read some researches that when qcell present in a colony without a queen, yields increase for up to 70%. I don't know exactly, never measured also because I take some bees away with split. But frankly, such strong colonies which remain bring nice load of honey. Some even full deep box. Partially is cause there is also a brood stop and bees are " all in honey".
Some "dequeen" all the colonies in such way and have decent crop plus new colonies ( nucs) which they sell after, or increase their stock. I am not for it, cause after main forage I could split colony in 4 ways, and later help with adding frame of brood if some seems to be in trouble to "grow".
Some even go further and before main forage apply dzierzon diamond rule. So far, I find it not for me. After main forage you get weaker colonies, which is problem if you have continous forage.
So options are endless, you should choose how to shape your beekeeping and feel satisfied with your beekeeping. Of course if you are hobby or independent commercial..