Dog got my chicken!

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Not having a pop at TKW 'cos that's the way things are these days - we live in such a sanitised world that some people don't realise the connection between live feathered chicks pecking about in the garden and the frozen chicken nuggets in the supermarket, not everyone has been brought up being used to seeing animals slaughtered and butchered.
It's even the same with human death, nowadays we send them off to hospital, they then go to the chapel of rest in a box and off they go to the crem. or cemetery.
I think now that's why a lot can't deal with bereavement, as part of the grieving process is made easier by the initial phases (before 'it' actually happens, then from there to the funeral)
I think as a country we are losing touch with the fundamental and natural processes in our lives.
I don't "deal with" my hens. they're pets.
If my horse broke a leg, I wouldn't try to strangle it to death..
I just love this forum. Does KFC mean Killed F****** Chicken, lol. (And I didn't swear ****)
Not having a pop at TKW 'cos that's the way things are these days - we live in such a sanitised world that some people don't realise the connection between live feathered chicks pecking about in the garden and the frozen chicken nuggets in the supermarket, not everyone has been brought up being used to seeing animals slaughtered and butchered.
It's even the same with human death, nowadays we send them off to hospital, they then go to the chapel of rest in a box and off they go to the crem. or cemetery.
I think now that's why a lot can't deal with bereavement, as part of the grieving process is made easier by the initial phases (before 'it' actually happens, then from there to the funeral)
I think as a country we are losing touch with the fundamental and natural processes in our lives.

I totally understand because I am one of those weird veggies who does not like the connection between chicks pecking about in the garden and frozen chicken nuggets.
Having a friend die today unexpectedly I also understand about death.

Death does not bother me at all; once you are dead you are dead but I don't see why I have to see something being butchered just because a meat eater wants to eat it. However I do believe that a meat eater should witness the animal they want to eat being butchered because they would understand better what they are eating and why they are eating it.

After one too many JD's I hope that makes sense!
I totally understand because I am one of those weird veggies who does not like the connection between chicks pecking about in the garden and frozen chicken nuggets.
Having a friend die today unexpectedly I also understand about death.

Death does not bother me at all; once you are dead you are dead but I don't see why I have to see something being butchered just because a meat eater wants to eat it. However I do believe that a meat eater should witness the animal they want to eat being butchered because they would understand better what they are eating and why they are eating it.

After one too many JD's I hope that makes sense!

And very sorry to hear of your friends' passing :(
I agree,their necks are rather thick for strangling,much more humane to shoot them,broken leg or not.

:iagree: - especially the duffers that aren't in the first three past the winning post...:D
Although i understand the love cor an animal as a pet, I also agree that if you have the responsibility for any Animal then you must take that fully understanding what it means. If my dog was suffering and a vet not available to pts then I would no hesitate to do what was necessary. As with the veggi post I totally agree that meat eaters have lost contact with what it OS they ate eating. I naff to educate my daughter in law that eggs come out of the chickens bum!
Not having a pop at TKW 'cos that's the way things are these days - we live in such a sanitised world that some people don't realise the connection between live feathered chicks pecking about in the garden and the frozen chicken nuggets in the supermarket, not everyone has been brought up being used to seeing animals slaughtered and butchered.
It's even the same with human death, nowadays we send them off to hospital, they then go to the chapel of rest in a box and off they go to the crem. or cemetery.
I think now that's why a lot can't deal with bereavement, as part of the grieving process is made easier by the initial phases (before 'it' actually happens, then from there to the funeral)
I think as a country we are losing touch with the fundamental and natural processes in our lives.

Too true..

Death is a natural part of life..

We happily watch extracts of wars on TV (Afghanistan,Syria) and happily (or otherwise) pay taxes to fund wars but then pale at the thought of someone dying..

Living in a Third World country - Nigeria for example - shows what death is like when you see bodies by the roadside. I suppose that also applies to parts of London or Liverpool.:-(
Too true..

Death is a natural part of life..

We happily watch extracts of wars on TV (Afghanistan,Syria) and happily (or otherwise) pay taxes to fund wars but then pale at the thought of someone dying..

Living in a Third World country - Nigeria for example - shows what death is like when you see bodies by the roadside. I suppose that also applies to parts of London or Liverpool.:-(

OH works in Nigeria a lot.
He's quite happy as long as the body by the roadside isn't his...
meat eaters have lost contact with what it OS they ate eating. I naff to educate my daughter in law that eggs come out of the chickens bum!

:iagree: and they are the people who will buy any old cr&p as long as it's cheap - you can be concerned with animal welfare and eat meat, i suppose havving been involved with all stages of getting meat to the table (from helping birthing a calf, butchering most carcasses when we had a butchery section in our shop - as well as helping in my grandfathers poultry sideline) it's a bit of a hobbyhorse of mine.

So sorry to hear about your friend as well
As part of our educational project we have had chickens, pigs, goats and rabbits, all of which were reared from young specifically for the table.
We had learners who were all made aware previous to them helping out and the majority then couldn't grasp the concept that these animals were going to be slaughtered.
I was called a murderer many times as I had to deal with the chickens and rabbits, and had to take the pigs and goats to the abattoir.
But then they still all enjoyed the meat that was cooked for them and packs of chops etc that they were given.
It just doesn't compute sometimes, my view is if you can eat it then you need to understand whaere it comes from and take some form of responsibility.
My view is that if your prepared to keep poultry you have to be prepared to do the deed.

Sorry for your losses TKW.

Baggy - I don't agree.
If you BREED poultry, and have males, THEN you have to be prepared to live with the consequences, and take the appropriate action - I don't mind if that's DIY (Properly), or off to the vet.

OTOH IF you eat meat, as has been said - you should know and understand where it comes from.
It makes me very sad to kill our birds when I have to - but we breed, and I consider it my responsibility to make their parting as swift, painless and stress free as possible.
If I ever start to enjoy it, I'll be worried for the state of my mind.:ack2:

Preaching over.