Dog got my chicken!

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Field Bee
Mar 9, 2009
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WBC/Smith/National/nucs in Horsham, West Sussex.
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Need some advice guys. Our bloody dog just go hold of one of my chickens and ripped her wing off! Apart from the wing she seems ok if being without a wing is ok! Considering the time of night what do you suggest and wringing her neck is not an option!
I will take her to the vets tomorrow morning but do you think she can survive this? Is there anything I can do now for her? I am very squeamish about these sort of things!

All kind sensible advice appreciated x
all depends iff its all its wing or just the end iff the end it should be ok. but iff the wings been ripped out of its socket , im afraid the best thing 2 do is put it out of its misery and end its suf fering. as im sure the vet will do 2 morrow and charge you
probably be dead in the morning anyway. if the wing has gone it will be more than likely be bleeding internally//// dont u know anyone who could end its suffering???
Doesn't your vet have an emergency number - I would call the vet and take the chicken to the clinic.
theres an area between its wing joints to body, if you feel along body just behind wings, you'll feel an indentation, squeeze with finger and thumb together either side for 20 secs and it'll be dead


hold it by the head in one hand at side of your body, swing had in a circular motion fast, as though you were writing your name with a firework sparkler, dead on around the 4th turn,

any extra movement with either way is muscle spasms, but its dead
Thanks for the gruesome advice but I took her to the vet at ten last night and had her pts. :(

On a lighter note my husband said as I was walking out the door with her he thought he heard the dog humming the tune "I feel like chicken tonight"!!!:)
It was the right thing to do if you couldn't kill her yourself - I couldn't, either :)
Sorry about the chicken :( Glad you got her PTS promptly. I'm a soft touch where animals are concerned, but I've killed mice and birds that the cats have caught and mauled. I don't like to see them dying a lingering death.
My view is that if your prepared to keep poultry you have to be prepared to do the deed.
