Distance from property

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House Bee
Jun 24, 2011
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Hive Type
Hi, what is the minimum distance required to keep a hive from a residential property?
far enough away so that the roof can be lifted off without snagging the wall. remember many have obs hives indoors with exits in window frames.

seriously - no hard and fast rules on this subject (or legislation - unlike italy)
it varies by region. The distances in the last column refers to distance from entrance side of hives. FYI the other columns are about when and to whom one has to declare all your hives annually and the penalty for not doing so.
In emilia romagna there is control of distance between apiaries (dependent upon number of hives (eg 500m if >20 hives at index site)
Thank you - interesting how it varies - obviously Tuscany has the most vicious bees in Italy! I wonder if they have people that go round checking with a tape measure :)
In our first year, we kept our hives some 30' from the house, which was good because we could watch them almost at will.

We discovered during our second year, however, that the average tetchy bee can fly faster than our average bed & breakfast guest could run. As a result, they (the bees that is, not the b&b guests) now reside some two miles away.
My garden is 30ft ....... could be a bit close i think, don't want to get stung whilst mowing the lawn hehe
"I wonder if they have people that go round checking with a tape measure"

you laugh but although council tax was abolished when Berlusconi was last re-elected the payment for refuse collection is also determined based upon surface area of property and number of residents. Councils have been trying to get some extra income by doing spot checks and fining if the records do not match the actual property area!!!
Good old Lombardy where my grandad came from doesn't have a set distance at all.
This is our second year and we have not had any problems. I would prefer a bit further away but as long as you don't stand in thier flight path there is no issue. I can mow the grass up to a foot around the hives but right up to the hives I do put a bee suit on.

If however their temprement changed I would move them out prompto.

I have some great photos of catching a swarm in the plum tree in the garden. If there was somewhere to put them on the site they may be of interest.
The other problem with having them too close to hand is the temptation to fiddle with them too much/all the time.:smash:
I had my two colonies about 5m from the back of the conservatory with the entrances facing the garage, I hardly knew they were there. I've moved them to my out apairy but only because I don't want to lose the site. However I'm new to beekeeping and I cannot say that the situation would always have been ok, I know things can change very quickly. One has to try to understand the risks as best they can and make a risk assessment based on a number of considerations. It's difficult for others to comment or advise without understanding your situation. e.g if you had someone living in close proximity who was likely to suffer from anaphylaxis then you might decide the risk is too high to keep them close to the house and neighbours, only you can know or ask your local assoc or inspector for advice.
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I had one colony 6 foot away from my front door. No one noticed they were there as they were behind some shrubs. That was until the day they swarmed I couldnt check them due to weather being bad. The first chance the bees were out the whole street (terraced houses on main road) was full of bees lots of people got a bit ticked off. So I then decided to sort out my out apiary. When I think about it now I was in fact being a bit selfish thinking of what I wanted not what could have happened. Not meaning to preach but just be warned that when it does go a bit pear shaped make sure you have some where to move the bees to.

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