Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

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What is not realised by the BBKA (or it's supporters) is that there are a lot of folk (Known as numpties) out there that "have" bees. They only care about the honey, couldn't give a toss about the bees. How they, the bees, survive is more down to good luck.
They join the BBKA for the insurance, and the "free" magazine.
Now there is an article that explains how you can have multiple queens. More queens = more honey.

Imagine how many queens could be mutilated next year,,, just because of this article.

At the beginning of this thread I laid no blame. Now, thinking about it, it was a very irresponsible thing to write/publish.

Well said :)
I'm planning to experiment with a 2 queen hive once I get some experience under my belt, mainly out of curiosity, and definitely not by mutilating a queen.
Make Demaree, and soon (or later) you have two queens. What then...

But I suggest: Try to learn basics first. It takes some years.
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Seems to me, that as marking and clipping the queen is difficult enough for many, there are going to be a lot of headless Queens lying around if they follow the advice of the BBKA article!:)
I'm planning to experiment with a 2 queen hive once I get some experience under my belt, mainly out of curiosity, and definitely not by mutilating a queen.

Make a Demarree board from a piece of 10mm ply - you only need a hole about 3"x4" covered with a galv QX in it. Demarree the colony when strong enough but instead of either making nucs or taking all the QC's down - raise a queen in the top box as well - I've inadvertently been running a 2 queen hive for over a month like this!!
I think some don't realise what the queen mandibles pheromones do, for one they stop workers laying, no good having lots of bees when workers start laying

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Make a Demarree board from a piece of 10mm ply - you only need a hole about 3"x4" covered with a galv QX in it. Demarree the colony when strong enough but instead of either making nucs or taking all the QC's down - raise a queen in the top box as well - I've inadvertently been running a 2 queen hive for over a month like this!!

Yeah, that was pretty much the plan. As I said though, I first need experience in normal hive management, the two queen hive stays in the future projects drawer still for a while.
The excrement would surely hit the fan if you had a drone laying Queen among multiple Queens, how you you know which one it was :rolleyes:

One expensive way would be individual frame traps or double brood box; separate one at a time between queen excluder, etc., all time consuming. Or get rid of them all and start again.
The excrement would surely hit the fan if you had a drone laying Queen among multiple Queens, how you you know which one it was :rolleyes:

The easy way is to keep them in separate brood boxes, then you'll know, but then you wouldn't need to cut anyone's mandibles off.
Just been thinking if i cut my lady friends mandibles of. does that mean i can keep more than one :spy:

Because you spend your quality time on this forum, It seems that one is too much.
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