You make that look easy my friend! I'd been told that bees take clingfilm down into the broodnest but if that works for you I'll give it a go - I think probably cutting it up in situ at different apiaries in response to hefting is perhaps a mistake I've been making too. I've also been torn between putting fondant on late as I'm within heather range at my home apiary, and had the ex local bee inspector insist food should be just above the crownboard at all times to avoid isolation starvation, and read and seen videos of Michael Palmer saying the food should be in the combs. I'm more inclined to follow someone of Michael's experience but am aware the US has a different climate to us and I've a lot of black combs I need to change out in spring so am dithering a little. Regional inspector's stance did seem logical to me tbh, but obviously far better beekeepers than he or I want the food into the combs - can you tell I'm indecisive? ;-)