Quiet night last night - although I did have to finish the last bottle first. I prefer the Jura 'Origin' which is matured in new oak barrels (not second hand sherry ones) and was the only one they made and the 'selling point' of the brand (as the head taster told me when I visited there when our training boat anchored in the bay some thirty years ago) But nowadays it's the fashion to sell loads of different fiddled about 'flavours', even Springbank with it's lovely sherry aftertaste has been blighted by this fad.
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with the current ripping through the sound, much of the time it seems the ferry is sailing sideways, but the usual anti collision rules of stand on/give way vessels apply
nah, sorry I won't switch from the ones I like, I actually haven't been partaking much of the evening sipppers the last few years, so I have quite a stockpile still to go through, although I've only a few Jura's left in the store I have quite a few Penderyns as well as a mixed bag of my brother's Christmas presents, including the latest Dalwhinnie with a dash of heather honey (oh dear)
My grandfather in his later years used to measure how good a birthday or Christmas he'd had by the number of Whisky gifts he'd received. I remember his last (90th) birthday, when I arrived at their house and asked him what sort of a day he'd had, he just shrugged (didn't like 'fuss') glanced at the corner next to his armchair and said 'not bad - twelve bottles so far'
Unfortunately, with the Springbank I'm not enamoured with their bog standard ten year old so the last one I bought cost me about £50.
I don't hoover down loads every evening so don't mind paying for it. Same as Port - I seldom pay less than £20.00 for a bottle.