Cost of Water

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Oct 30, 2010
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South West
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My water buts are overflowing, my IBCs are full, the winterbern at the bottom of my garden is flowing... so much rain!

My water bill from the licensed bandits South West Water fell soggily on the mat this morning.......

43 cubic meters £207.31....that's £4.82 per cubic meter!!!!!

We have mains sewage but all our surface water is collected or goes to soak-away!

How much do you pay?
Shh, not on a meter yet, but DD is £16.00 per month (Severn Trent). Useage - no idea. We water the garden from collected rain, and as you say "my butt floweth over". Stop sniggering at the back.
£223 pa - like erica not metered though they are about to install one (we can opt out if wanted) and no mains drainage (and of course unlike parts of the West and North we've seen precious little water this year)
We pay £1.14 per m3 including all charges. Our last half year bill came to £1950.77 which was for 1708 m3

We also harvest rainwater with enough capacity to store 12000 litres.

We have no mains drainage but are charged general drainage by the Environment Agency at £50ish per year.
I think a lot of the actual water supply costs could be reduced if they supplied powdered/dried water,similar idea to powdered milk,egg, ect.
I think a lot of the actual water supply costs could be reduced if they supplied powdered/dried water,similar idea to powdered milk,egg, ect.

Remember the Dehydrated water tablet spoof on April the first year dot .
Took my missus in :D
43 cubic meters over what period is that

eleven weeks... they get to charge more that way

Ceo of SWW gets a new car every 11 weeks also gives his "Old " one to his wife who gives her "old" one to number one son etc etc...
their idea of wealth distribution !!

We still have one of the most polluted coastlines in Europe?
From memory, our last bill was about £325 for six months. We're on a meter and there are six of us, including my mother-in-law who is borderline OCD and puts the washing machine on if there are more than two things dirty. That's water only -- no sewerage charge. Water for the garden comes from the well whenever possible, and I have four IBCs plumbed to a porous hose for watering the polytunnel.

eleven weeks... they get to charge more that way

Ceo of SWW gets a new car every 11 weeks also gives his "Old " one to his wife who gives her "old" one to number one son etc etc...
their idea of wealth distribution !!

We still have one of the most polluted coastlines in Europe?

I don’t know your situation but 43 cubic meters every 11 weeks seems a lot to me but then my situation is completely different to you.

As a comparison I pay approx £110 a year at work and I can estimate approx £80 at home, I say estimate as I don’t exactly pay water rates at home but I do have to watch every drop to save me time.

Ps I shower every day ;)
water meters once installed will not be removed :beatdeadhorse5:
sewage charge is only payable if connected to main sewer,
unless you have septic tank, which has over flow to water course.
outher wise no charge
Just started metered water this month. Last year was paying about £400 over 12 months. Let's see if it's lower with a meter............ I expect not in the long run!
My water buts are overflowing, my IBCs are full, the winterbern at the bottom of my garden is flowing... so much rain!

My water bill from the licensed bandits South West Water fell soggily on the mat this morning.......

43 cubic meters £207.31....that's £4.82 per cubic meter!!!!!

We have mains sewage but all our surface water is collected or goes to soak-away!

How much do you pay?

You forgot to mention a barrel, the one they've got you over!
1.45 euro per cubic metre here, plus yearly "subscription" to the supplier of 47 euros.
Used 90 cubic metres last year.
No main drainage.
I think that it is only fair that everyone should have a meter, it is the only fair way of charging people for the amount of water they use.

Everyone has an electric meter why not for water?
I think that's a more difficult argument to make than you might think. Why should people pay for water *or* electricity based on consumption alone? We all share the burden of distribution, those far from the generating plant or reservoirs paying no more than those nearby, after all, despite the fact that it must be cheaper to supply someone who lives nearby.

I'd suggest the reason is more to do with what's convenient and habitual rather than equitable.


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