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Queen Bee
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Suffolk/Norfolk border
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 ish
Has anyone on here ever made one?
Could a numpty with all the woodworking skills of a slug go on a course and manage to make something that actually floats?
It's a significant birthday this year and I have been thinking about making one for years. Might be the year I actually do it as a birthday present to myself.
If the welsh could do, so can you!

Come to think of it, the fenlanders made them as well!

It is not needing much woodworking skills, per se. More like hedge cutting than woodwork, I think.

The modern, up-to-date technology can be used, but they managed perfectly well with coppiced materials and some covering, I believe.

Go for it. Eezzy peezzy for Cazza, I'm sure.

Regards, RAB
If the welsh could do, so can you!

I was going to help you but someone just sh!t on you chips
[ame=""]Making and Sailing Coracles - YouTube[/ame]

I have met the chap with the big white beard a few times as the Freshwater Biological Association helps out on occasions with the pond dipping at some of the Trust's events!

I think I may be wavering around in the background of this video in a blue windcheater.

Doris has made one out of a Wickes Dumpy bag!

I think you should treat yourself, there is I believe a Coracle Society

So much fun can be had out on the water.
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Coracles are easy. Buy a truck inner tube, inflate it and away you go.

I had a go in a cowhide and blackjack coat coracle once, all is good if you have good coordination, which I have so I was told he he ,at least I did not sink only take about ten minutes to master on a pond flowing water is a different matter

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