what i am say is this ,farmers can do anything they want with thier own poo on thier own land yopu only get problems when you start to sell a waste product to unlicenced carriers and allow it to be taken to unlicenced point of disposal, yes farmers have been slinging it every where for years , now read the rest of the farming reports about water run off's nitrogen levels in steams ect ect,
i ant fussed what people think , i have to write a legal document on a building site call a waste management plan, i am sure that hivermaker as a bussiness man has had to write one they are a required by all councils in the uk,if you were to sell poo and this is my other end of the point is , if you were to sell a quanity of poo. again 10,000 kilo say this would be a bussiness transaction and as such would need by law ,
1 a coshh sheet for poo i have never seen onethat will also need a list of its ingrediants.
asheet or transfer note, this would have to have a description of its type , ie poo
its 6 digit european waste catalogue number or code
how it is contained,
and its quanity, these records will then have to be kept for two years again by law and a copy sent to the person wanting said poo,
the reason why i have started this poo platform was simply , that i belive the main of farmers 75% are bone idle scrongers that want to have the govenerment funding stopped and made to justify them selves, and if you want to know why i think these thing my uncle was a pig farmer for 60 years and my nephew still is