Queen Bee
Clive died in his sleep on Wednesday 1 July.
I was privileged to have him stay at my home a while back. Such a wealth of knowledge and great fun too. He will be sadly missed.
That's sad news indeed.
I once watched him do a hive inspection at Belvedere House in Mullingar and will always remember his test for aggression. Lift the crown board, a puff of smoke and Karate chop the brood frames at 90deg. If the bees react they are aggressive.
Oh, and sticking a bit of fresh grass in the top of the smoker to cool the smoke.
Rest in peace Clive.
Now I cannot see that written anywhere so this is new and valuable information. But wait a minute! Does ANY colony pass that test? I have some of the most famously placid bees I know of (Hivemaker. Buckfasts) and they come up through the frames at me anyway so what level of placidity are we talking about here?
He was also renowned for his wicked sense of humour
It is with relief that I can inform you that the Essex mafia got it wrong and our Clive is as far as I know still hale and hearty. He will have a good giggle about this when we see him. What a relief.