Lets simplify things for you.
Original post by Tomo Hi, this is the end of my first year keeping bees. I successfully caught and marked my queens without any problem. Next year due to a slight change of circumstances and attitude towards losing a swarm and annoying the neighbours I have decided to clip my queen's wing. In the you tube videos we see experienced beekeepers catching, marking and clipping a queens wing without gloves! If I did this it's going to be painful.
Is there a way you would clip a queen's wing with confidence, wearing gloves? I have used a queen marking tube and plunger before, is this a good idea for clipping too? Thanks. My replyI vary, depending on conditions, but I tend to use a "Baldock" cage (crown of thorns to some).Easily traps the Queen on the frame, so no need to try and remove her, then press gently to trap her against the comb when she is in the right position for you to mark her. Mark her and while the 'paint' is drying you can clip her to save time. When paint is dry juslift cage and let her go (after a quick use of smoker if workers look too interested). Easy and little chance of damaging her.
Mellifera Crofters response
You can't rotate the queen using a crown of thorns - so, yes, you can only cut her wings by cutting the strings! And you can't do that very delicately, I would have thought.
My reply to Mellifera Crofter
Never had that problem. If not happy with position, then loosen the 'grip' of cage to let her move for you. Or you can 'hook' the wing with scissor tip and lift clear of strings and then snip. It's down to control of scissors.
Now your interjection referring to my post
Precisely - as I always do if she ain't in a good position lift c of t and let her shift position. No difference basically between c of t or plunger. Please think beekeeperlike before posting.
I made no reference to you at any point nor did I reply to your posts. So where is your problem and where do you come into this particular discussion between me and the posters quoted?
I'm not the one who had problems cutting 'strings', so gave my thoughts on how to avoid this by letting Queen move or 'hooking' wing. Did you not follow the thread? If you are going to make comments about me thinking before posting, then perhaps I should advise you to read the thread and understand what is
actually being said and to whom before you act! Perhaps the thinking before posting applies to you more than me in this instance?
If I'm wrong or have misunderstood this thread then please bestow your wisdom on me, so I can progress to being closer to the inner sanctum of this forum!
PS Happy New Year