Cleaning Poly hives after Efb

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I’m not mixing it together the plan is.
For poly:
I have two tanks the first with sodium hypochlorite.
Then the second with washing soda.
Then I’ll rinse with a hose.

For wood;
I need to wash around 30 supers worth of wax frames.
I’ll steam the frames, recover the wax. Then burco boiler with washing soda. So there clean for new foundation next year.
I’m not mixing it together the plan is.
For poly:
I have two tanks the first with sodium hypochlorite.
Then the second with washing soda.
Then I’ll rinse with a hose.

For wood;
I need to wash around 30 supers worth of wax frames.
I’ll steam the frames, recover the wax. Then burco boiler with washing soda. So there clean for new foundation next year.
The SBI burnt all my frames in an EFB infected hive last year on site. Didn’t think it was recommended to reuse them.
The SBI burnt all my frames in an EFB infected hive last year on site. Didn’t think it was recommended to reuse them.
I wouldn't to be honest with you, and for the amount of wax 'salvaged' that would be the first thing on the bonefire
Im not reusing any infected frames. Everything was burnt from those hives.
I’m cleaning everything and starting again. Just to be on the safe side.
All my brood frames are being burnt.
But the cost of replacing every piece of equipment. Especially the supers would be to much.
So, I’ve had a Efb outbreak in one apiary. I have killed the bees and burnt and buried and the contaminated hives.

I am now scorching all wooden hive parts.

But I have a number of plastic and poly nucs and full sized hives. That still need cleaning. These hive had Efb, so I really like to make sure there clean before using them again next year.

Laurence has a video where he’s dipping his poly boxes.
But I’m unsure of the ratios of sodium Hypochlorite and if it’s the best method.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Did the bee inspector not advise on how to sterilise your poly hives ?
I change and clean my Paynes Poly floors every five years whether they need it or not... the bees keep them clean in between and the odd spider underneath keeps any other inhabitants from taking up residence. But, of course, I'm not a proper beekeeper ...
Proper beekeeper? I think you are.
What do you do with all the chemicals when you've finished with it? Pouring it down the sink isn't an option for lots of people who aren't on mains drainage.
I'm lucky to have a good sized garden. In the winter when the veg are all out I do a heavy dilution and trickle it into the soil in one corner. In wet weather by spring it will be fine and it hasn't gone into the septic tank and destroyed the bugs
What do you do with all the chemicals when you've finished with it?
it's probably still good to go at the end - bottle it and use it as toilet cleaner - it's just domestos in the end.
I'm lucky to have a good sized garden. In the winter when the veg are all out I do a heavy dilution and trickle it into the soil in one corner. In wet weather by spring it will be fine and it hasn't gone into the septic tank and destroyed the bugs
Regarding restoring or initially introducing septic tank bugs - chuck a dead cat in used to be the recommended method. I suppose other carcasses would work equally well. 🤔
I'm currently disinfecting a load of poly kit and using Tesco bleach. The label says 4.6g/l sodium hypochlorite so I'm diluting 2 litres bleach in approx 16 litres water which should give me ~0.51g/litre hypochlorite.

I live in a non-dairy farming area so getting bleach from Tesco is easier than trying to find a local agricultural suppliers who have stronger bleach.
Thank you Wilco, NBU do advise on dipping with Sodium Hypochlorite.

I have a 150l tank, in Laurence’s video. The poly hives come out like new.

You can soak the hive box wall one by one into 10 cm deep liquid and then turn the side. No need to make 150 litre dosage.

Langstroth box is 40 litre. Box wall is 4 cm thick.

You can sterilize the box with Killit Bang too.

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