Check food hygiene ratings in your area...

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After doing my food hygene course today, Anything short of 4 rating would get a wide berth.

"Do you mean food or restaurant's toilets?
I am not afraid here."

Finman - in the UK we seem to have regular TV progs covering this subject - most recently the food inspectors (but also life of grime etc in past).

presumably finland does not have many of the type of establishments that are typical underperformers (although in our area even a couple of fish and chip shops scored 1).

What is scary is just how bad they have to be to get shut down immediately. most get written notices and have to improve over a period of time.
We're on there - guest house - rated 5 :)

presumably finland does not have many of the type of establishments that are typical underperformers (although in our area even a couple of fish and chip shops scored 1).


We have food stuff control exactly as good as yours.

Perhaps our customers need sometimes sterilizing like our movie idol Uno Turhapuro. One of the best movie series

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"We have food stuff control exactly as good as yours."

FM - i wasn't criticising Finnish standards!!!!!

just assuming, perhaps wrongly, that you don't have whole streets made up of cheapo fried chicken and kebab joints, with staff who can't even speak english, let alone understand basic food hygiene regs.
Interesting but certainly in this area it barely scratches the surface of the local eating palaces. At a guess less than 1 in 4 listed.
I think its best not to know these things.
Caroline st Cardiff (immortalised in Harry Potter as Salmonella alley!!) at one time was a whole street of dodgy kebab shops etc. Had a horrible reputation which everyone knew about. But Saturday nights were not complete without a closing time visit.
Our favourite greasy spoon outside Swansea docks the same - condemned twice - had to move to the premises next door the second time as it was so bad - but the best breakfast in the area!!
A mate of mine used to tell me the story if the chippy opposite the Workmen's hall in the 50's (cinema,dance hall, the lot) they used to keep the chips in old tin baths in the open outside the back door. All the lads used to sneak round the back and pee in the tubs before going to the cinema or dance.
Then call in at the end of the night for a bag of chips for the walk home - best chips in the area they reckoned (next to old Nellies with her coal fired range up the road) - I suppose they needed less salt!
We do get a bit too precious about this kind of thing nowadays :D
Caroline st Cardiff (immortalised in Harry Potter as Salmonella alley!!) at one time was a whole street of dodgy kebab shops etc. Had a horrible reputation which everyone knew about. But Saturday nights were not complete without a closing time visit.
Our favourite greasy spoon outside Swansea docks the same - condemned twice - had to move to the premises next door the second time as it was so bad - but the best breakfast in the area!!
A mate of mine used to tell me the story if the chippy opposite the Workmen's hall in the 50's (cinema,dance hall, the lot) they used to keep the chips in old tin baths in the open outside the back door. All the lads used to sneak round the back and pee in the tubs before going to the cinema or dance.
Then call in at the end of the night for a bag of chips for the walk home - best chips in the area they reckoned (next to old Nellies with her coal fired range up the road) - I suppose they needed less salt!
We do get a bit too precious about this kind of thing nowadays :D

certainly less vinegar!!
my local chinese takeaway is there i thought it was the beer that made me run to the toilet other day after seeing a rating of 1 i guess it may have been the food.
the other takeaway has a 0 rating but there is always a queue lol
Hmmm .... what's really worrying is that some of the '1' ratings would consider themselves the best restaurants in the area ... scary when a burger van gets a 5 rating and a 100 seat chinese restaurant only gets a 1 !!

I used to work in Africa so I've eaten things in places where you would probably not go out of choice and I survived (Mind you, my basic rule was it had to be deep fried, boiled to extinction or have a high alcohol content to pass my lips so that usually helped !!).

Trouble is, in the UK, that we are not as conditioned to cope with germs and bacteria in food as our ancestors were .... so poor food hygiene can have a pretty disastrous effect ... not saying it will kill you but it can be very unpleasant.

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